Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Shellfish Effect of water pollution on)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to trace metal levels in shellfish [by] Benjamin H. Pringle and Carl N. Shuster, Jr. 1967
A preliminary investigation into the use of crayfish as a sensitive species to pollutants in the Clark Fork River near Missoula, MT : research project technical completion report / 1983
A Summary of selected data on chemical contaminants in tissues collected during 1984, 1985, and 1986. 1987
Assessment of trace metal and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination in selected San Francisco Bay estuary shellfish : final report, State of California contract agreement number 74-51291, submitted to Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region / 1975
Behavioral assays for effects of drilling muds on marine animals 1981
Behavioral assays for effects of drilling muds on marine animals / 1981
Biochemistry of estuarine ecosystem with emphasis on heavy metals and shellfish 1973
Contamination of New England's fish and shellfish a report to the governors and the public ; a report of the Coast Alliance 1987
Effects of water-borne mirex on the survival and production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) 1980
Heavy metal, polychlorinated biphenyl, and pesticide levels in shellfish and finfish from Maryland waters 1976-1980 / 1981
Histological studies of mussels from dredged material disposal sites / 1984
Impact assessment on shellfish resources of Great South Bay, South Oyster Bay, and Hempstead Bay, New York : draft report, November 1982 / 1982
Isolation, culture, and ecology of a source of paralytic shellfish toxin in Sequim Bay, Washington / 1968
Microbial indicator levels in shellfish, water and sediments from the Upper Narragansett Bay conditional shellfish-growing area : final report of a study conducted as part of the Narragansett Bay Project / 1990
New Haven Harbor : shellfish resource and water quality. 1970
PCBs in winter flounder, american lobster, and bivalve molluscs : from Boston Harbor, Salem Harbor, and Coastal Massachusetts : 1984-1989 / 1991
Pollutant levels in bivalves : a data bibliography / 1977
Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) analyses of marine organisms in the New Bedford area, 1976-1980 / 1981
Rapid assessment of water quality, using the fingernail clam, Musculium transversum / 1978
Report on pollution affecting shellfish harvesting in Galveston Bay, Texas / 1971
Report on pollution affecting shellfish harvesting in San Francisco Bay, California / 1972
Study of pesticides in shellfish and estuarine areas of Louisiana / 1967
The 1990 National Shellfish Register of Classified Estuarine Waters. 1991
The 1995 National Shellfish Register of Classified Growing Waters / 1997
The effect of hormonal pollutants on aquatic crustacea and the surrounding environment / 1982
The effects of sewering on Long Island's shellfishing industry : a supplement to the 1972 final environmental impact statement on waste water treatment facilities construction grants for Nassau and Suffolk counties, New York. 1978
The influence of temperature and photoperiod upon the dungeness crab, cancer magister : a thesis / 1973
The molluscan shell : biological record of environmental change / 1981
The National Status and Trends Program for Marine Environmental Quality : inventory of chlorinated pesticide and PCB data for U.S. Marine and estuarine fish and shellfish. 1986
The role of south-central Puget Sound as a public food source : impact of heavy metals : final technical report / 1978
The West Falmouth oil spill : persistence of the pollution eight months after the accident : technical report / 1970
Toxic contaminants in Long Island Sound / 1989
Toxic substance and water quality effects on larval marine organisms / 1979
Trace metals monitoring at two ocean disposal sites / 1979

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