Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage microbiology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A laboratory guide to fungi in polluted waters, sewage, and sewage treatment systems : their identification and culture / 1963
A recycled-water sanitary waste disposal system / 1978
An ecological approach to the problem of biogradation of phenolic wastes / 1974
Bacterial bioassay for level 1 toxicity assessment 1983
Bacterial bioassay for level 1 toxicity assessment / 1983
Biomonitoring of industrial effluents 1990
Disposal and management of solid waste : pathogens and diseases / 2015
Ecological aspects of used-water treatment 1975
Effect of holding temperature and time on total coliform density in sewage effluent samples / 1978
Evaluation of the health risks associated with the treatment and disposal of municipal wastewater and sludge / 1981
Evaluation of the health risks associated with the treatment and disposal of municipal wastewater and sludge / 1981
Experience with indicator organism tests in determining the bacteriological quality of pulp and papermill effluents and their receiving waters. 1971
Exposure to microbial aerosols from activated sludge treatment 1982
Health effects of land treatment : microbiological / 1982
Health risks of human exposure to wastewater / 1981
Helminth and heavy metals transmission from aerobically digested sewage sludge / 1981
Helminth and heavy metals transmission from aerobically digested sewage sludge / 1981
Human viruses in sediments, sludges, and soils 1987
Isolation, characterization, and identification of microorganisms from laboratory and full-scale landfills {microform} / 1984
Limnological investigation of the Muskegon County, Michigan, wastewater storage lagoons : phase one / 1975
Metabolic uptake of phosphorus by sewage organisms / 1963
Method 9131 : Total Coliform: Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique. 1986
Method 9132 : Total Coliform: Membrane-Filter Technique. 1986
Microbial activity in composting municipal sewage sludge / 1986
Microbial activity in composting municipal sewage sludge / 1986
Microbial indicator levels in the Providence River and Upper Narragansett Bay : final report / 1990
Microbiological characteristics of urban storm water runoffs in central Ontario. 1978
Microbiological methods for monitoring the environment : water and wastes / 1978
Microbiology of landfill sites 1990
Municipal wastewater sludge health effects research planning workshop : January 10-12, 1984, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Andrew Breidenbach Research Center Cincinnati, Ohio. 1984
Pathogen risk assessment feasibility study. 1988
Pathogen risk assessment feasibility study. 1985
Proceedings of Workshop on Microorganisms in Urban Stormwater, Edison, New Jersey, March 24, 1975 / 1979
Relative toxicity of organics to Chlorella pyrenoidosa / 1965
Report on bacteriological pollution from municipal and industrial waste discharges on the Red River of the North. 1966
Research priorities for monitoring viruses in the environment / 1983
Safe management of shellfish and harvest waters / 2010
Sandia irradiator for dried sewage solids : seminar proceedings and dedication, October 18-19, 1978, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1979
Sewage organisms : a color atlas / 1981
Sewer processes : microbial and chemical process engineering of sewer networks / 2013
Solid waste/disease relationships : a literature survey / 1967
Survival of enteric bacteria and viruses in oxidation pond systems, 1972
Survival of enteric viruses in septic tanks and septic tank drain fields 1979
The Risk to health of microbes in sewage sludge applied to land : report on a WHO working group, Stevenage, 1981. 1981
Virus aspects of applying municipal waste to land : symposium proceedings, June 1976 / 1976
Virus survival in water and wastewater systems 1974
Viruses and disinfection of water and wastewater : proceedings of the International Symposium, held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, 1-4 September 1982 1982
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters : [1976 literature abstracts] / 1977
Viruses in water and reclaimed wastewater / 1984
Wastewater biology. The microlife / 1990
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