Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage Purification United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A new process for treating wastewater: activated carbon absorption / 1972
A primer on waste water treatment. 1971
A primer on waste water treatment. 1969
A primer on wastewater treatment / 1976
A rating system for evaluation of wastewater treatment plants / 1973
Building a 21st-century infrastructure for America : water stakeholders' perspectives : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, September 26, 2017. 2018
Building back better : the urgent need for investment in America's wastewater infrastructure : remote hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, first session, February 23, 2021. 2021
Clean Water Act Industrial Stormwater Applicability Flowchart. 2009
Considerations for preparation of operation and maintenance manuals / 1973
Do more with SCORE : Small-Community Outreach & Education helps solve wastewater problems. 1991
Emergency planning for municipal wastewater treatment facilities / 1974
EPA's national pretreatment program, 1973-2003 : thirty years of protecting the environment. 2003
Folleto informativo de sistemas descentralizados : tratamiento y disposicion de residuos septicos. 1999
Folleto informativo de tecnologia de aguas residuales : extraccion de amoniaco por arrastre con aire. 2000
Folleto informativo de tecnologia de aguas residuales : filtros intermitentes de arena. 1999
Funding biosolid projects using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. 2001
Guidance for reporting and evaluating POTW noncompliance with pretreatment requirements. 1987
Guide for evaluating capacity, management, operation and maintenance (CMOM) programs at sanitary sewer collection systems / 2005
Handbook on coordinating funding for water and wastewater infrastructure : a compilation of state approaches. 2003
Improving the EPA multi-sector general permit for industrial stormwater discharges / 2019
Industrial waste management : a guide to best practices / 2003
Innovative approaches to wastewater management : final report 1975
Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program / 1999
Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program. 2011
List of publications available on onsite and small community wastewater treatment : most of these publications can be down loaded in electronic formation from EPA's web site at: 2006
Monitoring of the effluent stream from wastewater treatment plants. 1971
Onsite and clustered (decentralized) wastewater treatment system : informational materials / 2006
Onsite and clustered (decentralized) wastewater treatment systems : informational materials / 2003
Performance measurement and the national industrial wastewater pretreatment program : final report / 1994
Pretreatment of pollutants introduced into publicly owned treatment works : Federal guidelines. 1973
Procedures for evaluating performance of wastewater treatment plants : a manual / 1972
Proceedings of the National Conference on Management and Disposal of Residues from the Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters, February 3-5, 1975, Washington, D. C. 1975
Proceedings, Eleventh United States/Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology : October 12-14, 1987, Tokyo, Japan / 1988
Proceedings, Seventh United States/Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology : May 19-21, 1980, Tokyo, Japan / 1980
Recovery of metals from sludges and wastewaters : project summary. 1991
Report on emerging technologies conveyance systems, biosolids management, wastewater treatment and in-plant, wet weather management / [electronic resource] : 2008
Response to Congress on use of decentralized wastewater treatment systems / 1997
Risk management program guidance for wastewater treatment plants (40 CFR part 68). 1998
Small flows. 1985
The national environmental benefits of the Clean Water Act : progress made in the United States through the secondary treatment of municipal wastewater / 1993
Third U.S. - Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology proceedings : February 12-16, 1974, Tokyo, Japan / 1975
Top 10 list : pandemic & natural disasters notebook : updated Emergency Response Plans (ERP) for drinking water & wastewater systems / 2006
Wastewater infrastructure : overview, funding, and legislative developments / 2018
Wastewater treatment programs serving small communities. 2002
Water Infrastructure Flexibility Act : report (to accompany S. 692) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2017
Where does all the dirty water go? : protect the environment in our community. 2002

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