Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage Purification Reverse osmosis process)

Select Item Title Year Published
1995 Membrane Technology Conference : proceedings : August 13-16, 1995, Reno, Nevada / 1995
A study of reverse osmosis systems and the Greenfield Iowa Plant : a thesis / 1972
Acid mine waste treatment using reverse osmosis / 1971
Amenability of reverse osmosis concentrate to activated sludge treatment / 1972
Application of hyperfiltration to treatment of municipal sewage effluents. 1970
Application of membrane bioreactors followed by desalting reverse osmosis membranes for the treatment of primary wastewater for water reuse / 2004
Application of Nanotechnology in Membranes for Water Treatment / 2017
Application of reverse osmosis technology to Hawaiian low quality waters : project completion report of reverse osmosis technology 1973
Bibliography on the application of reverse osmosis to industrial and municipal wastewaters 1973
Characterization of reusable municipal wastewater effluents and concentration of organic constituents / 1978
Combined reverse osmosis and freeze concentration of bleach plant effluents / 1978
Combined reverse osmosis and freeze concentration of bleach plant effluents / 1978
Demineralization of carbon-treated secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1978
Demineralization of sand-filtered secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1977
Evaluation of new reverse osmosis membranes for the separation of toxic compounds from wastewater / 1974
Evaluation of new reverse osmosis membranes for the separation of toxic compounds from wastewater / 1973
Evaluation of reverse osmosis membranes for treatment of electroplating rinsewater / 1980
Hollow fiber technology for advanced waste treatment / 1972
Laboratory and field evaluation of NS-100 reverse osmosis membrane / 1980
Membrane materials for waste water reclamation by reverse osmosis, 1970
Membrane processing of cottage cheese whey for pollution abatement / 1971
Membrane processing of cottage cheese whey for pollution abatement. / 1971
New and ultrathin membranes for municipal wastewater treatment by reverse osmosis. 1970
New technology for treatment of wastewater by reverse osmosis, 1970
Physical/chemical treatment of blast furnace wastewaters using mobile pilot units / 1981
Polymeric materials for treatment and recovery of petrochemical wastes / 1971
Project summary : recycling nickel electroplating rinse waters by low temperature evaporation and reverse osmosis / 1993
Recycle of papermill waste waters and application of reverse osmosis / 1972
Recycling nickel electroplating rinse waters by low temperature evaporation and reverse osmosis / 1993
Removal of persistent contaminants from municipal effluents by reverse osmosis / 1978
Renovation of municipal wastewater by reverse osmosis / 1970
Reverse osmosis concentration of dilute pulp & paper effluents / 1972
Reverse osmosis of treated and untreated secondary sewage effluent / 1974
Reverse osmosis renovation of municipal wastewater. 1970
Reverse osmosis renovation of primary sewage / 1971
Reverse osmosis renovation of primary sewage. 1971
Selective removal of scaling metal ions by rapid backpulse nanoparticle filtration / 2010
Total recycle systems for petrochemical waste brines containing refractory contaminants / 1979
Treatment of waste treatment plant effluents by reverse osmosis / 1978
Ultrathin membranes for treating metal finishing effluents by reverse osmosis / 1971
Use of improved membranes in tertiary treatment by reverse osmosis / 1970
Wastewater demineralization by tubular reverse osmosis process / 1978

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