Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage Purification Filtration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of combined trickling filter and activated sludge processes / 1983
Alternative processes for treatment of sinter plant wastewater / 1985
Alternative processes for treatment of sinter plant wastewater / 1985
Applicability of land treatment of wastewater in the Great Lakes area basin : effectiveness of sandy soils at Muskegon County, Michigan, for renovating wastewater / 1979
Assessment of design tradeoffs when using intrachannel clarifiers / 1986
Backwash of granular filters used in wastewater filtration / 1977
Carbon column operation in waste water treatment / 1970
Characterization of virus removals in diatomaceous earth filtration : thesis / 1972
Chemical coagulation/mixed-media filtration of aerated lagoon effluent / 1975
Chemical interactions in a rapid infiltration system accomplishing tertiary treatment of wastewater / 1977
Cross-flow filtration in physical-chemical treatment of municipal sewage effluents / 1976
Decentralized systems technology fact sheet types of filters. [electronic resource] : 2000
Design of stormwater filtering systems / 1996
Direct filtration of secondary effluent backwashing and performance : a thesis / 1974
Downflow granular filtration of activated sludge effluents / 1977
Downflow granular filtration of activated sludge effluents / 1977
Dual process high-rate filtration of raw sanitary sewage and combined sewer overflows / 1979
Effect of pretreatment on the filtration of low turbidity secondary effluent / 1980
Effective grain size and uniformity coefficient's role in performance of intermittent sand filters 1971
Effectiveness of a deep natural sand filter for finishing of a secondary treatment plant effluent / 1970
Effects of waste paper additions on sludge filtration characteristics 1968
Effluent polishing by filtration through activated alumina 1976
Emerging Technology: Biological Aerated Filter: A Promising Biological Process 1983
Evaluation of full-scale tertiary wastewater filters / 1980
Evaluation of the standard sampling technique for suspended solids / 1977
Evaluation of wastewater filtration 1981
Filtration of municipal waste with a moving bed contactor / 1972
Fine solids removal following combined chemical-trickling filter treatment / 1980
Full-scale evaluation of activated bio-filter wastewater treatment process / 1982
Full-scale evaluation of activated bio-filter wastewater treatment process {microform} / 1982
Full-scale evaluation of high rate screening devices for treatment of sanitary sewage by-pass flow / 1980
Granular filters for tertiary wastewater treatment : a dissertation / 1972
High rate filtration of combined sewer overflows / 1972
In-sewer fixed screening of combined sewer overflows / 1970
Infiltration land treatment of stabilization pond effluent / 1981
Infiltration land treatment of stabilization pond effluent / 1982
Integrated system for disposal of sludges originating from water softening and sewage treatment in municipalities 1971
Integrated water treatment : softening and ultrafiltration / 2003
Intermittent sand filters 1994
Investigation of response surfaces of the microscreen process / 1971
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Camarillo, California irrigation site / 1980
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Milton, Wisconsin, Rapid Infiltration Site / 1979
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Milton, Wisconsin, rapid infiltration site / 1979
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Roswell, New Mexico, slow rate irrigation site / 1979
Membrane processing of cottage cheese whey for pollution abatement / 1971
Membrane processing of cottage cheese whey for pollution abatement. / 1971
Microstaining and disinfection of combined sewer overflows : phase II / 1973
Microstraining and disinfection of combined sewer overflows, 1970
Overland flow--removal of toxic volatile organics 1981
Phenolic waste reuse by diatomite filtration; experimental closed water system to eliminate waste water discharge from Johns-Manville's fiber glass insulation plant #3 at Defiance, Ohio. 1970
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