Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage Purification Congresses)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1977 National Conference on Composting of Municipal Residues and Sludges, August 23-25, 1977 1978
1997 Environmental Conference & Exhibit : May 5-7, 1997, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. 1997
2000 International Environmental Conference & Exhibit : May 6-10, 2000, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO : setting the environmental course for the 21st century / 2000
2nd World Water Congress: environmental monitoring, contaminants and pathogens : selected proceedings of the 2nd World Water Congress of the International Water Association, held in Berlin, Germany, 15-19 October 2001 / 2002
9th Annual Industrial Wastes Technical and Regulatory Conference : April 13-16, 2003, Adam's Mark San Antonio Riverwalk Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, USA / 2003
Advance [sic] Waste Treatment and Water Reuse Symposium : Adolphus Hotel, Dallas, Texas, January 12-14, 1971. 1971
Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar, Kabuki Theatre, San Francisco, October 28-29, 1970. 1970
Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar. 1970
Advances in water pollution research proceedings of the international conference held in ... 1962
Applications of new concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment. 1972
Appropriate technology for the treatment of wastewaters for small rural communities : report on a WHO meeting, Lyon, 7-11 June 1982. 1985
Appropriate waste management for developing countries 1985
Chemistry for protection of the environment : proceedings of an international conference, Toulouse, France, 19-25 September 1983 / 1984
Chemistry for protection of the environment, 1987 : proceedings of the sixth international conference, Torino, Italy, 15-18 September 1987 / 1988
Chemistry for the protection of the environment / 1991
Chemistry of wastewater technology 1978
Compte rendu, 12e Symposium international sur le traitement des eaux uses : 20 et 21 novembre 1989, Atelier sur l'eau potable, 22 novembre 1989, le Grand Hãotel, Montréal / 1989
Compte rendu, 13e Symposium international sur le traitement des eaux uses : les 14 et 15 novembre 1990, 2e Atelier sur l'eau potable, le 16 novembre 1990, Hãotel Le Méridien, Montréal (Québec) / 1990
Compte rendu, 14e Symposium international sur le traitement des eaux usees les 12 et 13 novembre 1991, 3e Atelier sur l'eau potable, le 14 novembre 1991, Hotel Le Meridien, Montreal (Quebec) / 1991
Compte rendu, 15e Symposium international sur le traitement des eaux usees : les 17 et 18 novembre 1992 et 4e Atelier sur l'eau potable, le 19 novembre 1992, Hotel Le Meridien, Montreal (Quebec) / 1992
Comptes rendus, 11e Symposium international sur le traitement des eaux usees au Canada 21 et 22 novembre 1987, Hotel Meridien, Montreal = Proceedings, 11th International Symposium on Wastewater Treatment, November 21-22, 1988, Sheraton Hotel, Montreal. 1988
Comptes rendus, 8eme Symposium sur le traitement des eaux usees au Canada, 19 et 20 novembre 1985, Hotel Meridien, Montreal. 1986
Conference proceedings 1991
Conferences in connection with the International Water Conservancy Exhibition at Jonkoping, Sweden August 28-September 3, 1972. 1973
Critical issues in water and wastewater treatment : proceedings of the 1994 National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Boulder, Colorado, July 11-13, 1994 / 1994
Developments at Eighth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Sydney, Australia, October 17-22, 1976 / 1977
Developments at Eighth International Conference on Water Pollution Research, Sydney, Australia, October 17-22, 1976 / 1977
Developments at Eleventh International Conference on Water Pollution Research {microform} / 1984
Effluent treatment and disposal : a three-day symposium 1986
Effluent treatment and waste disposal. 1990
Effluent treatment in the process industries. 1983
Emerging technologies for hazardous waste management 1991 book of abstracts for the Special Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society, October 1-3, 1991 / 1991
Emerging technologies for hazardous waste management 1992 book of abstracts for the Special Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society, September 21-23, 1992 / 1992
Emerging technologies for hazardous waste management 1993 book of abstracts for the Special Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society, September 27-29, 1993 / 1993
Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Inc., of the American Chemical Society at the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Winter Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1-4, 1989 / 1990
Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management II : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Inc., of the American Chemical Society at the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Special Symposium, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 4-7, 1990 / 1991
Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management III 1993
EPA's municipal wastewater disinfection policy review ; preconference workshop / 1989
Evaluation of current developments in municipal waste treatment : proceedings of a conference at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, January 26 and 27, 1977 / 1977
Hazardous and industrial wastes : proceedings of the Thirty-fouth Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference / 2002
Hazardous and industrial wastes : proceedings of the Thirty-third Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference / 2001
Hazardous and industrial wastes : proceedings of the Twenty-Second Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference / 1990
Hazardous and industrial wastes proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference / 1992
Hazardous and industrial wastes proceedings of the Twenty-Third Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference / 1991
Innovations in the water and wastewater fields 1985
International Environmental Conference : [proceedings] / 1994
Kinetics of wastewater treatment : proceedings of a post-conference seminar held at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, 1978 / 1979
Management of hazardous and toxic wastes in the process industries 1987
Municipal wastewater disinfection : proceedings of second national symposium, Orlando, Florida, January 26-28, 1982 / 1983
New developments in processing of sludges and slurries 1986
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