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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage Purification Aeration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Fine pore aeration systems. 1989
A new process for treating wastewater : oxygen aeration. 1973
A study of the effects of impeller depth, impeller design and submerged diffusion aeration on the aeration rate : thesis / 1973
A thesis entitled an evaluation of two small extended aeration sewage treatment plants located in Lucas County, Ohio / 1972
Aerated lagoon treatment of food processing wastes / 1968
Aerated lagoon treatment of sulfite pulping effluents / 1970
Aeration : a wastewater treatment process / 1988
Aeration in wastewater treatment. 1971
Aeration of activated sludge in sewage treatment. 1974
Aeration systems : design, testing, operation, and control 1986
Aerobic digestion of organic waste sludge / 1972
Aerobic secondary treatment of plywood glue wastes / 1973
Aerobic secondary treatment of potato processing wastes / 1970
Aerobic treatment of fruit processing wastes : a study of aerated lagoon, activated sludge, and activated sludge reaeration in the treatment of fruit cannery waste. 1969
Aerobic treatment of fruit processing wastes : a study of aerated lagoon, activated sludge, and activated sludge reaeration in the treatment of fruit cannery waste. 1969
Aerobic treatment of livestock wastes / 1972
Anaerobic-Aerobic treatment of textile wastes with activated carbon / 1973
Analysis of the performance of activated sludge and aerated stabilization basin systems in controlling the release of suspended solids in treated mill effluents to receiving waters. 1973
Application of rotating disc process to municipal wastewater treatment / 1971
Autoheated, aerobic thermophilic digestion with air aeration / 1982
Critical evaluation of extended aeration systems in arctic and subarctic regions 1977
Design information on fine pore aeration systems : project summary. 1994
Design manual : fine pore aeration systems. 1989
Designing extended aeration units for operation in cold regions / 1972
Detoxification of kraft pulp mill effluent by an aerated lagoon / 1972
Draft supplemental environmental impact statement for the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, Des Plaines-O'Hare Water Reclamation Plant / 1979
Effect of aeration basin configuration on bulking at low organic loading / 1982
Effects of toxic organics on photosynthetic reoxygenation. 1967
Environmental regulations and technology : autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion of municipal wastewater sludge. 1990
EPA research & development activities with oxygen aeration / 1972
Evaluation of "within vessel" sewage sludge composting systems in Europe / 1978
Evaluation of a treatment lagoon for combined sewer overflow / 1981
Evaluation of a treatment lagoon for combined sewer overflow / 1982
Evaluation of extended aeration treatment at recreation areas : progress report / 1970
Evaluation of the performance of five aerated package treatment systems 1993
Extended-aeration plants and intermittent watercourses / 1963
Field assessment of aerated lagoon emissions and their control using an inflated dome / 1987
Field prototype demonstration of the swirl degritter / 1977
Fine pore (fine bubble) aeration systems : summary report. 1985
Fine pore diffuser fouling : the Los Angeles studies by Michael K. Stenstrom and Gail Masutani. 1990
Individual home aerobic wastewater treatment systems, 1973
Investigation of the use of high purity oxygen aeration in the conventional activated sludge process / 1970
Investigation of the Waipio stabilization ponds and surrounding area / 1973
Manual for composting sewage sludge by the Beltsville aerated-pile method / 1980
Mechanism of waste treatment at low temperature, 1972
Multi-system biological treatment of bleached kraft effluents / 1971
Municipal wastewater stabilization ponds : design manual. 1983
Operation of extended aeration package treatment plants 1985
Oxygen aeration at Newtown Creek / 1979
Oxygen consumption in continuous biological culture / 1971
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