Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage disposal Congresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
Agricultural use of sewage sludge is there a future? : proceedings of symposium held in the High Melton Training College, Doncaster, 12th November, 1986 / 1986
Alternative waste treatment systems 1988
Ecological technology, space-earth-sea. 1967
Effluent treatment and waste disposal. 1990
Eighth annual Madison waste conference municipal & industrial waste : September 18-19, 1985 1985
Future direction of municipal sludge (biosolids) management where we are and where we're going ... 1992
Home sewage disposal : proceedings of the National Home Sewage Disposal Symposium. 1975
Instrumentation and control for water and waste-water treatment and transport systems : International Workshop, London, 16-19 May, 1977, Stockholm, 20-21 May, 1977 1978
International workshop to be held in London, 17-20 September 1973 and Paris, 21 September 1973, Instrumentation control and automation for wastewater treatment systems 1973
Land application of sewage sludge : proceedings of the seminar / 1981
Long range disposal alternatives for pulp and paper sludges : proceedings of the symposium {held} October 13-14, 1982, Bangor, Maine 1982
Management of industrial wastewater in developing nations proceedings of the international symposium, Alexandria, March 1981 / 1982
Municipal sludge management : proceedings of the National Conference ... June 11-13, 1974, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania / 1974
Municipal sludge management and disposal : proceedings of the 1975 National Conference on Municipal Sludge Management and Disposal, August 18-20, 1975, Anaheim, California / 1975
Municipal sludge management impact of industrial toxic materials on POTW sludge : proceedings of Eighth National Conference on ... March 19-21, 1979, Miami Beach, Florida / 1979
National Conference on Municipal and Industrial Sludge Utilization and Disposal, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1980 1980
Pretreatment and Ultimate Disposal of Wastewater Solids : proceedings of a Research Symposium / 1974
Proceedings 1978
Proceedings : AWWA 1981 annual Conference, St. Louis, Mo., June 7-11, 1981 / 1981
Proceedings : National Conference on Water Conservation and Municipal Wastewater Flow Reduction, November 28-29, 1978, [Chicago, Ill.] / 1979
Proceedings : sixth United States/Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 30-31 [and] Washington, D.C., November 2-3, 1978 / 1980
Proceedings of a workshop on alternative wastewater treatment systems at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, June 12-13, 1979 1979
Proceedings of National Conference on Municipal and Industrial Sludge Composting : materials handling, November 14-16, 1980, New Carrollton, Maryland (Washington, DC suburb) 1980
Proceedings of Open Forum on Management of Petroleum Refinery Wastewaters 1976
Proceedings of Open Forum on Management of Petroleum Refinery Wastewaters / 1976
Proceedings of the National Conference on Municipal Sludge Management. 0
Proceedings of the National Home Sewage Disposal Symposium : Dec. 9, 10, 1974, Chicago, Illinois. 1975
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Water, Sewage & Industrial Wastes Association for 1957. 1957
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Water, Sewage & Industrial Wastes Association for 1958. 1958
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Water, Sewage & Industrial Wastes Association for 1959. 1959
Proceedings of the Triangle Conference on Environmental Technology, March 6-8, 1984, Duke University 1984
Sludge composting and utilization : a design and operating manual / 1982
Sludge concentration filtration and incineration {papers presented at the inservice training course on sludge concentration, filtration, and incineration, January 30-February 1, 1963. 1964
Sludge Handling and Disposal Seminar : proceedings, held in Toronto, Ontario, September 18-19, 1974. 1974
Sludge management disposal and utilization : proceedings of the Third National Conference on Sludge Management Disposal and Utilization, December 14-16, 1976, Miami Beach, Florida / 1977
Third U.S. - Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology proceedings : February 12-16, 1974, Tokyo, Japan / 1975
Ultimate disposal of wastewaters and their residuals {proceedings of a} national symposium, April 26 and 27, 1973 / 1973
US/Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology, October, 1975, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1975
USA/USSR Symposium, Handling, Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater Sludge, Moscow, U.S.S.R, May 13-16, 1975 : [papers]. 1975
Utilization, treatment and disposal of waste on land : proceedings of a workshop held in Chicago, IL, 6-7 Dec. 1985 1986
Waste treatment; proceedings. 1960
Water pollution control in developing countries : proceedings of the International Conference held at Bangkok, Thailand, Feb. 21-25, 1978 1978

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