Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage disposal plants)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1976 needs survey : Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, summaries of technical data (Categories I-IV). 1977
1978 needs survey : cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities / 1979
1978 winter municipal wastewater treatment facility : performance report / 1979
1982 needs survey : cost estimates for construction of publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities / 1982
1984 needs survey report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States / 1985
1986 needs survey, report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States. 1987
1988 needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States. 1989
1988 needs survey report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States / 1989
1990 needs survey report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States : including federally recognized Indian tribes and Alaska native villages. 1991
1990 preliminary draft strategy for municipal wastewater treatment : management : [task II] / 1981
1993 municipal water and wastewater resource directory for Idaho city leaders. 1993
1996 clean water needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needs for publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities, correction of combined sewer overflows, and management of storm water and nonpoint source pollution in the United States. 1997
200 MGD activated sludge plant removes phosphorus by pickle liquor / 1973
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : waste disposal - Publicly-Owned Treatment Works 2023
A compilation of cost information for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants and processes / 1967
A Critical review of wastewater treatment plant sludge disposal by landfilling / 1983
A dye dispersion and movement study off northern Pinellas County, Florida : a technical report / 1984
A guide for state certification of wastewater facilities personnel; the report on a study of state programs to certify personnel in water pollution control facilities. 1973
A Guide for the planning, design, and implementation of wastewater treatment plants in the textile industry / 1983
A guide to regulations and guidance for the utilization and disposal of municipal sewage sludge. 1980
A guide to the consolidated application form. 1979
A methodological approach to an economic analysis of the beneficial outcomes of water quality improvements from sewage treatment plant upgrading and combined sewer overflow controls : environmental benefits analysis series / 1985
A National evaluation of the delegated construction grants program : summary report / 1981
A new process for treating wastewater : physical-chemical treatment. 1971
A planned maintenance management system for municipal wastewater treatment plants / 1973
A practical technology : hydrograph controlled release lagoons : a promising modification / 1984
A preliminary discussion of the Lower Potomac STP (LPSTP) allowable effluent flow rate / 1973
A preliminary report to Congress on training for operators of municipal wastewater treatment plants / 1984
A rating system for evaluation of wastewater treatment plants / 1973
A review of techniques for incineration of sewage sludge with solid wastes / 1977
A Strategy for small alternative wastewater systems (SAWS). 1980
Acceptable methods based upon current knowlendge [sic] for the utilization or disposal of sludges from publicly owned wastewater treatment plants. 1980
Actinomycetes of sewage-treatment plants / 1975
Action checklist for POTWs : assessing the need to modify pretreatment programs in response to DSS and PIRT. 1995
Activated carbon treatment of raw sewage in solids-contact clarifiers / 1973
Addendum to the 1982 needs survey : cost estimates for control of combined sewer discharge to marine bays and estuaries / 1983
Administrator's decision on the proposed Dickerson wastewater treatment plant grant application / 1976
Advanced automatic control strategies for the activated sludge treatment process / 1975
Advanced regional wastewater treatment facility and delivery system, Montgomery County, Maryland : detailed environmental report. 1974
Advanced treatment for wastewater reclamation at water factory 21 / 1980
Advanced waste treatment performance evaluation : summary report / 1984
Advanced waste treatment performance evaluation : summary report / 1984
Advanced wastewater treatment as practiced at South Tahoe / 1971
Advanced wastewater treatment to achieve low concentration of phosphorus {electronic resource}. 2007
Aerobic stabilization of waste activated sludge : an experimental investigation / 1975
Aliso Water Management Agency study : an investigation of selected sewage treatment facilities in Orange County / 1973
Alternative energy sources for wastewater treatment plants / 1988
Alternative energy sources for wastewater treatment plants. 1988
Alternative waste management techniques for best practicable waste treatment : proposed for public comment. 1974
Alternative waste management techniques for best practicable waste treatment. 1975
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