Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage disposal in the ocean)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A brief outline of a study of sewage sludge dumping in the New York Bight / 1972
A Plan for study : response of the habitat and biota of the inner New York Bight to abatement of sewage sludge dumping / 1988
A simplified deposition calculation (DECAL) for organic accumulation near marine outfalls / 1987
A simplified deposition calculation (DECAL) for organic solids accumulation near sewage outfalls / 1985
Acoustic sterilizers for shipboard waste management 1976
Biological availability of pollutants to marine organisms / 1978
Boston Harbor supplemental draft environmental impact statement / 1984
Boston Harbor supplemental draft environmental impact statement / 1984
Briefing report : ocean dumping in the New York Bight since 1973 / 1974
Commercial pumpouts : Boston Harbor is a no discharge area / 2008
Considerations on a sewer outfall off Nobska Point / 1969
Contaminated marine sediments : assessment and remediation / 1989
Determination and removal of floatable material from waste water / 1965
Dispersion of sewage sludge discharged into New York Bight : physical oceanographic data and laboratory analyses - 1975 / 1978
Disposal of wastes into the Pacific Ocean : the Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor area and Dominguez Channel / 1967
Dissolved-solids discharge to the oceans from the conterminous United States, 1974
Draft environmental impact statement for designation of an ocean dredged material disposal site off Humboldt Bay, California / 1995
Draft interim analytical methods manual for the ocean disposal permit program. 1974
Ecological impacts of sewage discharges on coral reef communities / 1983
Ecological response to relaxation of sewage stress off Sand Island, Oahu, Hawaii 1979
Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site : proceedings of the 12-Mile Dumpsite Symposium, Ocean Place Hilton Hotel, Long Branch, New Jersey 18-19 June 1991 / 1995
Environmental fate of contaminants from sludge disposal alternatives to ocean dumping : incineration report / 1986
Environmental impact statement proposed site designation of the LA-3 ocean dredged material disposal site off Newport Bay, Orange County, California : draft / 2004
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : 2,4,6 Trichlorophenol. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : benzidine. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : Benzo(a)anthracene. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : pentachlorophenol. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : phenanthrene. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : Polychlorinated biphenyls. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : Toxaphene. 1985
Environmental report for the Philadelphia sewage sludge disposal site. 1981
Evaluation of sewage treatment facilities, San Francisco, California / 1975
F.W.P.C.A. waste management study. 1969
Final environmental impact statement for the site designation of the LA-3 ocean dredged material disposal site off Newport Bay, Orange County, California / 2005
Floatable wastes and the region's beaches : answers to some common questions / 1989
Implementation potential of sludge management projects. 1980
Initial mixing characteristics of municipal ocean discharges / 1985
Managing wastewater prospects in Massachusetts for a decentralized approach : a discussion of options and requirements / 1995
Massachusetts guide to needs assessment and evaluation of decentralized wastewater treatment alternatives 1995
MDC proposed sludge management plan, Metropolitan District Commission, Boston, Massachusetts : final environmental impact statement. 1979
Monitoring, research, and surveillance plan for the 106-mile deepwater municipal sludge site and environs 1990
Municipal and industrial wastewater loading in the San Francisco Bay, California, 1970 1971
MWRA harbor and outfall monitoring project : OMSAP public meeting September 1999. 1999
NOAA fisheries endangered species act section 7 consultation : biological opinion. 1993
Ocean disposal monitoring programs in response to the Ocean Dumping Ban Act : report to Congress. 1989
Ocean disposal of municipal sewage sludge : A Comparative analysis of mid-shelf and deep ocean dumpsites. 1986
Ocean disposal of municipal wastewater : impacts on the coastal environment 1983
Ocean dumping : issues and answers concerning sewage sludge disposal : summary report of a New Jersey Marine Advisory Service conference, November 1, 1980 / 1980
Of judges, politics and flounders perspectives on the cleaning up of Boston Harbor / 1986
Political waters : the long, dirty, contentious, incredibly expensive but eventually triumphant history of Boston Harbor--a unique environmental success story / 2004
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