Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage Analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Computer survey of GC/MS data acquired in EPA's priority pollutant screening analysis : system and results / 1983
A portable device for measuring wastewater flow in sewers / 1974
A quick biochemical oxygen demand test / 1971
A virus-in-water study of finished water from six communities / 1975
Advances in the identification & analysis of organic pollutants in water / 1981
An ecological approach to the problem of biodegradation of phenolic wastes / 1973
Analysis of dissolved oxygen in natural and waste waters 1966
Analysis of dredged wastes, fly ash and waste chemicals: New York metropolitan region 1970
Analysis of industrial wastewater for organic pollutants in consent decree survey / 1983
Analysis of industrial wastewater for organic pollutants in consent decree survey samples / 1983
Analysis of industrial wastewaters 1971
Analysis of organic pollutants in water and waste water 1973
Analysis of raw, potable and waste waters. 1972
Analysis of wastewater discharge from marine sanitation devices : final report / 1981
Analysis of water supply and POTW wastewater treatment charges : final report 1983
Analytical method guidance for EPA Method 1664A implementation and use (40 CFR Part 136). 2000
Analytical techniques and residuals management in water pollution control 1987
Analytical variability of five wastewater parameters : petroleum refining industry / 1976
Application and procurement of automatic wastewater samplers / 1975
Application of an analysis protocol to identify organic compounds not identified by spectrum matching / 1984
Approval of EPA Methods 1664, Revision A, and 9071B for determination of oil and grease and non-polar material in EPA's Wastewater and Hazardous Waste programs. 1999
Assessment and development plan for monitoring of organics in storm flows 1974
Automated analysis of individual refractory organics in polluted water / 1974
Basic laboratory procedures for the operator-analyst / 2012
Characterization and separation of secondary effluent components by molecular weight / 1971
Characterization and separation of secondary effluent components by molecular weight / 1971
Chemical and biological characterization of municipal sludges, sediments, dredge spoils, and drilling muds / 1988
Chemical and microbiological studies of the Middle Salt Lagoon, Barrow, Alaska / 1974
Combined sewer overflow abatement program, Rochester, N.Y. / 1979
Computer tools for sanitary sewer system capacity analysis and planning [electronic resource] / 2007
Determination of benzidines in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1982
Determination of benzidines in industrial and municipal wastewaters {Microfiche} 1982
Determination of nitrosamines in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1982
Determination of nitrosamines in industrial and municipal wastewaters {Microfiche} 1982
Determination of organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in sewages, sludges, muds, and fish, 1978 Organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in water, an addition, 1984. 1985
Determination of pesticides and PCBs in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1982
Determination of pesticides and PCBs in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1982
Determination of volatile organics in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1981
Development and application of test procedures for specific organic toxic substances in wastewaters / 1980
Development of analytical test procedures for organic pollutants in wastewater - applications to pesticides / 1981
Development of analytical test procedures for organic pollutants in wastewater--application to pesticides / 1982
Development of analytical test procedures for the measurement of organic priority pollutants in sludge 1981
Development of analytical test procedures for the measurement of organic priority pollutants in sludge / 1984
Development of analytical test procedures for the measurement of organic priority pollutants in sludge / 1984
Dispersal of plating wastes and sewage contaminants in ground water and surface water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa area, Nassau County, New York / 1970
EADS liquid effluents data system : 1982 annual report / 1984
EADS solid discharge data system : 1982 annual report / 1984
Effluent monitoring procedures, nutrients : student reference manual / 1976
EPA approves new test procedures for analyzing pollutants in wastewater and sewage sludge : fact sheet. 2006
EPA microbiological alternate test procedure (ATP) protocol for drinking water, ambient water, and wastewater monitoring methods : guidance / 2004
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