Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 6
Showing: Items 1 - 6
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Severn River)

Select Item Title Year Published
A pilot study for ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 4 report. 1997
Method for delineating an exclusion area around a sewage outfall in a tidal estuary based on water quality with application to the Severn and Choptank Rivers 1965
Reconnaissance survey of the Severn River sediments 1977
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Coliform for the Restricted Shellfish Harvesting Areas in Whitehall and Meredith Creeks, Mill Creek, and the Severn River Mainstem of the Severn River Basin in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 2008
Using the Sediment Quality Triad to Characterize Toxic Conditions in the Chesapeake Bay (2002): An Assessment of Tidal River Segments in the Bohemia, Elk, Northeast, and Severn Rivers. 2005
Water quality survey of the Annapolis Metropolitan Area / 1967

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