Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sedimentation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Cladophora' as Related to Pollution and Eutrophication in Western Lake Erie. 1973
1971 Annual Review of Literature. Waste Water Treatment Physical and Chemical Methods. 1972
1978 Atlantic 3800-meter radioactive waste disposal site survey : sedimentary, micromorphologic and geophysical analyses / 1983
1982 Detroit Michigan area sediment survey / 1987
1992 full monitoring in Elliott Bay / 1992
A color illustrated guide to constituents, textures, cements, and porosites of sandstones and associated rockes / 2006
A compilation of cost information for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants and processes / 1967
A computer model of diffuse sources of sediment and phosphorus moving into a lake / 1974
A feasibility study of a field instrument for the measurement of suspended sediment concentration / 1969
A field study of fluid mud dredged material: its physical nature and dispersal / 1978
A method of manure disposal for a beef packing operation : first interim technical report / 1977
A reconnaissance of streamflow and fluvial sediment transport, Incline village area, Lake Tahoe, Nevada; second progress report, 1971. 1973
A review of uncertainty in the in-situ measurement of sediment water column reactions. 1984
A stream systems evaluation : an emphasis on spawning habitat for salmonids / 1979
A study of information on engineering design and technical criteria for the control of sediment from logging haul roads / 1974
A study of methods used in measurement and analysis of sediment loads in streams. Report no. 14, Determiniation of fluvial sediment discharge / 1963
A summary of selected data on chemical contaminants in sediments collected during 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987 / 1988
A summary report of sediment processes in Chesapeake Bay and watershed / 2003
A survey of the normal and pathological histology of scleractinian corals with emphasis on the effects of sedimentation stress / 1984
Accumulation of Sediment in Three Mississippi Reservoirs. 1973
Achieving nutrient and sediment reduction goals in the Chesapeake Bay : an evaluation of program strategies and implementation / 2011
Acoustic methods for communicating through water-saturated sediments 1989
Actinomycetes of sewage-treatment plants / 1977
Activated Sludge Process Using Pure Oxygen. 1974
Addendum to the user's guide for MPTER / 1986
Addendum to the user's guide for MPTER / 1986
Adsorption-desorption of diuron by freshwater sediments 1977
Advanced waste treatment for housing and community developments / 1978
Advances in ultracentrifugal analysis. 1969
Aggradation and degradation of alluvial sand deposits, 1965 to 1986, Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona 1990
Aggregation and Disaggregation of Fine-Grained Lake Sediments. 1988
Alum Addition and Step-Feed Studies in Oxygen-Activated Sludge. 1977
Ambient suspended sediment concentration and turbidity levels / 1993
Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen, Water Clarity and Chlorophyll 'a' for the Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Tributaries: 2007 Chlorophyll Criteria Addendum. 2007
Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen, Water Clarity and Chlorophyll 'a' for the Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Tributaries: 2010 Technical Support for Criteria Assessment Protocols Addendum. 2010
Ambient water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity and chlorophyll a for Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries : 2004 addendum / 2004
Ambient water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity and chlorophyll a for Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries : 2007 addendum / 2007
Ambient water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity and chlorophyll a for the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries : 2008 technical support for criteria assessment protocols addendum / 2008
Ambient water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity and chlorophyll a for the Chesapeake Bay and its tital tributaries / 2003
Amendment : assessment of ecotoxicological hazard of Waukegan Harbor sediment / 1990
An executive summary of three EPA demonstration programs in erosion and sediment control / 1974
Analysis and design of settling basins for irrigation return flow 1974
Annual Report '72-'73. 1973
Annual Report of Activities During Fiscal Year 1971. 1971
Apollo County Park Wastewater Reclamation Project, Antelope Valley, California 1976
Appendices for the biogenic structure of lower Chesapeake bay sediments. 1900
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Ashtabula River disposal site, Ohio ; Appendix C : Investigation of water-quality and sediment parameters / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Columbia River disposal site, Oregon : Appendix A, investigation of the hydraulic regime and physical nature of the bottom sedimentation : final report / 1977
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Columbia River disposal site, Oregon : evaluative summary / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Columbia River disposal site, Oregon. Appendix B, Water column, primary productivity and sediment studies / 1978
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