Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sediment water interfaces)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1988 Reconnaissance survey of environmental conditions in 13 Puget Sound locations 1989
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
A framework for real-time decision-making : New Bedford harbor pilot dredging study / 1989
Abiotic reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane by environmental reductants / 1990
Adsorption and desorption of hexachlorobiphenyl : A. Experimental results and discussions : B. Analysis of exchangeable and nonexchangeable components / 1983
Adsorption of Surfactants (Chapter 7). 1991
Adsorption of trace metals by hydrous ferric oxide in seawater / 1980
Aggregation and Disaggregation of Fine-Grained Lake Sediments. 1988
Air toxics technical assistance for the State of Alaska : final report / 1987
Animo Acid Composition of Suspended Particles, Sediment-Trap Material, and Benthic Sediment in the Potomac Estuary. 1993
Application of 'Real-Time' Monitoring in Decision Making: The New Bedford Harbor Pilot Dredging Project. 1994
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Exposure Assessment Component. 1984
Argentum International Conference Proceedings (3rd): Transport, Fate and Effects of Silver in the Environment. Held in Washington, DC. on August 6-9, 1995. 1996
Assessing the Biodegradation of Sediment Associated Chemicals. 1985
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) program : quality assurance program plan / 1993
Assessment of Sediment Toxicity to Marine Benthos. (Chapter 9). 1992
Behavior of DDT, Kepone, and Permethrin in sediment-water systems under different oxidation-reduction and pH conditions / 1981
Biological remediation of contaminated sediments with special emphasis on the Great Lakes : report of a workshop, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, July 17-19, 1990 / 1991
CF Systems organics extraction system, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Volume 1. 1990
Characterization of the Reducing Properties of Anaerobic Sediment Slurries Using Redox Indicators. 1990
Chemistry laboratory manual for bottom sediments and elutriate testing. 1979
Chesapeake Bay ambient toxicity assessment workshop report : workshop held 25-27 July 1989, Annapolis, Maryland / 1990
Contaminated Marine Sediments: Water Column and Interstitial Toxic Effects. 1993
Contribution of Ammonia, Metals and Nonpolar Organic Compounds to the Toxicity of Sediment Interstitial Water from an Illinois River Tributary. 1991
Dechlorination Activity (Cross-Acclimation) of Freshwater Sediments Adapted to Mono- and Di-Chlorophenols. 1994
Dechlorinations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediments of New Bedford Harbor. 1991
Determination of Acid Volatile Sulfide and Selected Simultaneously Extractable Metals in Sediment. 1991
Distribution, Speciation, and Transformation of Chromium in Contaminated Soils and Aquifer Sediments. 1992
Downcore Variation in Sediment Organic Nitrogen (Journal Version). 1982
Dynamic Mass Balance of PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls). 1983
Early diagenesis and chemical mass transfer in Lake Erie sediments / 1981
Effects of Marine Benthos on Physical Properties of Sediments: A Successional Prospective. 1983
Elliott Bay action program : evaluation of potential contaminant sources / 1988
Elliott Bay action program : guidance for development of monitoring programs to evaluate the success of source control within drainage basins / 1988
Elliott bay action program : the relationship between source control and recovery of contaminated sediments in two problem areas / 1988
Entrainment of Sediments and Dredged Materials in Shallow Lake Waters. 1987
Environmental Factors Correlated to Dichlorophenol Dechlorination in Anoxic Freshwater Sediments. 1991
EPA's contaminated sediment management strategy / 1994
EPA/ORD (Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Research and Development) role and perspective in sediment research / 1989
Equilibrium Partitioning and Bioaccumulation of Sediment-Associated Contaminants by Infaunal Organisms. 1989
Estimation of Water Solubility and Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient of Hydrophobic Dyes. Part 2. Reverse-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography. 1991
Evaluation of dredged material proposed for discharge in waters of the U.S. - testing manual (draft) : inland testing manual / 1994
Evaluation of Sorption Models in the Simulation of Naphthalene Transport Through Saturated Soils. 1991
Evaluation of the Equilibrium Partition Theory for Estimating the Toxicity of the Nonpolar Organic Compound DDT to the Sediment Dwelling Organism Rhepoxynius Abronius. 1987
Everett harbor action program : analysis of toxic problem areas. Puget Sound estuary program: final report and appendices / 1986
Exposure assessment component of the field verification program : overview and data presentation / 1989
Fate of Commercial Disperse Dyes in Sediments. 1991
Flocculation of Fine-Grained Lake Sediments Due to a Uniform Shear Stress. 1987
Flux of Reduced Chemical Constituents (Fe(2+), Mn(2+), NH4(1+) and CH4) and Sediment Oxygen Demand in Lake Erie. 1983
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