Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Scrap recycling)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advantage glass! : switching to plastic is an environmental mistake : a study documenting the environmental advantages of glass over plastic containers, based on published information / 1993
Aluminum as a component of solid waste and a recoverable resource / 1974
Background information for standards of performance : electric submerged arc furnaces for production of ferroalloys / 1974
Base line forecasts of resource recovery, 1972 to 1990 : final report / 1975
Decisionmaker's guide to recycling plastics / 1991
Degradable plastics and the environment 1988 environmental symposiums / 1988
Forecasts of the quantity and composition of solid waste / 1980
Incentives for recycling and reuse of plastics : a summary report. 1973
Minnesota Recycling Directory, 1991. Statewide Markets and Collection Locations. 1991
Minnesota Recycling Directory. Statewide Markets, Greater Minnesota Collection Locations. 1988
Moving towards sustainable plastics : a report on the six leading automakers / Mark Rossi...{et al.}. 2005
Organic and polymer waste reclaiming encyclopedia 1981
Plastics recycling as a future business opportunity, May 25-26, 1988, at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. proceedings, Technology Exchange Program : Recyclingplas III--conference / 1988
Plastics waste management disposal, recycling, and reuse / 1993
Role of plastics in resource recovery, 1973
Scrap rubber tire utilization in road dressings, 1974
Study to Identify Opportunities for Increased Solid Waste Utilization. Volume I. 1972
Study to Identify Opportunities for Increased Solid Waste Utilization. Volumes II to VII. 1972
Study to Identify Opportunities for Increased Solid Waste Utilization. Volumes VIII and IX. 1972

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