Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Science Methodology)

Select Item Title Year Published
A beginner's guide to scientific method / 2012
Analytical methods. 2009
Collaborative knowledge in scientific research networks / 2015
Data analysis for politics and policy 1974
Defending science--within reason : between scientism and cynicism / 2003
Doing science : design, analysis, and communication of scientific research / 2001
Essays dedicated to S. M. Ulam : proceedings of the first Los Alamos Symposium on Mathematics in the Natural Sciences 1976
Everyday practice of science : where intuition and passion meet objectivity and logic / 2009
Field investigations : using outdoor environments to foster student learning of scientific processes / 2007
Fundamentals of research methodology : a holistic guide for research completion, management, validation and ethics / 2015
GIS for science : applying mapping and spatial analytics / 2019
On scientific thinking 1981
Project-Based Learning Model : Relevant Learning for the 21st Century / 2011
Quantum leaps in the wrong direction : where real science ends-- and pseudoscience begins / 2001
Science for society : cutting-edge basic research in the service of public objectives : a blueprint for an intellectually bold and socially beneficial science policy / 2001
Scientific literacy and the myth of the scientific method 1994
Scientific method for ecological research 2000
Searching for certainty : what scientists can know about the future / 1990
Statistical treatment of experimental data / 1978
Statistics for experimentalists / 1969
Techniques for efficient research, 1966
The logic of scientific discovery / 1968
The scientific approach : basic principles of the scientific method / 1967
The statistical analysis of experimental data / 1964
Winning the games scientists play 1982

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