Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 48
Showing: Items 1 - 48
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Scenic rivers)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of Attitudes and Opinions of St. Joe River Basin Landowners Towards Wild and Scenic Rivers. 1972
Arkansas River recreation management plan and environmental analysis : {draft} / 1988
Au Sable River : national scenic river management plan. 1987
Cache La Poudre Wild and Scenic River Study Report, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1980
CERCLA compliance with other laws manual. 1989
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland 1996
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland 1996
Environmental Statistics, 1978. 1979
Federal protection and preservation of wild and scenic rivers is slow and costly : report to the Congress 1978
Final environmental impact statement for the inclusion of five rivers in California's Wild and Scenic Rivers System in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1980
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Land and Resource Management Plan, 1997 Revision, Routt National Forest, Appendices A-J and L 1997
Final environmental impact statement, Jackson wastewater treatment system, town of Jackson, Wyoming / 1979
Greenway strategy for Weems Creek. 1982
Gunnison River 1979
Gunnison wild and scenic river study : final environmental statement 1979
Kettle River, Minnesota, wild and scenic river study message from the President of the United States transmitting a report .... 1979
Lower Wisconsin : a wild and scenic river study / 1978
Loxahatchee River basin wetland planning project for Martin County : technical summary document / 2000
Loxahatchee River basin wetland planning project for Palm Beach County : technical summary document / 1999
Maryland rivers study : final report 1984
Maryland rivers study tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay / 1988
Measuring the Intangible Values of Natural Streams. Part I. Application of the Uniqueness Concept. 1971
Merced wild and scenic river : comprehensive management plan / 2001
Methodology Study to Develop Evaluation Criteria For Wild and Scenic Rivers. Report of Forest Subproject. 1972
Nationwide rivers inventory 1982
Nationwide rivers inventory, to identify high potential candidates for the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System : report on Lake Central Region component. 1978
Northern Great Plains Resource Program, Water Work Group Report. 1974
Octoraro Creek scenic river study / 1983
Ohio's streamside forests : the vital, beneficial resource / 1991
Pine Creek, a wild and scenic river study, Pennsylvania : final report 1978
Proceedings of the March 8, 1988 Scenic Rivers Water Quality Workshop 1988
Proposed New River Gorge National Wild and Scenic River in West Virginia : final environmental statement / 1976
Report on natural and free-flowing rivers in the northwestern United States. 1980
Scenic River Study Report No. 10. A Methodology Study to Develop Evaluation Criteria for Wild and Scenic Rivers. 1973
Scenic Rivers Study Report No. 9. Report of Attitudes and Opinions in Recreationists Towards Wild and Scenic Rivers: A Case Study of the St. Joe River. 1973
South Fork and Merced Wild and Scenic River final environmental impact statement : Mariposa and Madera Counties, California / 1991
The Housatonic in Connecticut : a wild and scenic river study / 1978
The Nanticoke : portrait of a Chesapeake river / 2008
The Pennsylvania scenic rivers inventory / 1975
The South Fork and Merced Wild and Scenic River implementation plan : Mariposa and Madera Counties / 1991
The wild and scenic rivers of America / 1993
Upper Missouri wild and scenic river management plan : draft. 1978
Wallowa River : 2(a)(ii) wild & scenic river study report. 1995
Washington's wild rivers : the unfinished work / 1990
Water quality status report Owyhee River, Owyhee County, Idaho 1976-1977 / 1978
Wild and scenic river recommendation : Upper Delaware River, New York and Pennsylvania. 1977
Wild and scenic rivers : certain rivers not in national system generally retain original values : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives / 1986
Wild River Perception and Management: A Study of Users and Managers of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. 1973

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