Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of CALPUFF with ISC3. 1998
Aggregation Using Cluster Analyses for Models-3 CMAQ Applications. 1997
Air and water quality impacts of brownfields redevelopment a study of five communities. [electronic resource] : 2011
Alternative Fuels for Automotive Transportation. A Feasibility Study. Volume II. Technical Section. 1974
Alternative futures analysis of Farmington Bay Wetlands in the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem [electronic resource]. 2010
Alternative futures for environmental policy planning, 1975-2000 / 1975
An analysis of evacuation options for nuclear accidents / 1987
An evaluation of the effects of anthropogenic activity on streamflow in the Columbia River Basin / 1997
An SAB report : review of the source ranking database / 1998
Analysis of Alternative Policies for Dealing with New Source Growth in Nonattainment Areas: Oxidants. Study Area: Houston-Galveston AQCR. 1980
Analysis of Alternative Policies for Dealing with New Source Growth in Nonattainment Areas: Oxidants. Study Area: Philadelphia AQCR. 1980
Analysis of Alternative Policies for Dealing with New Source Growth in Nonattainment Areas: Oxides of Nitrogen. Study Area: Philadelphia AQCR. 1980
Analysis of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of remote sensing devices / 1994
Ancillary Benefits Due to Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, 2000-2020. 2001
Approach for addressing dioxin in soil at CERCLA and RCRA sites. 1998
Assessment of the Environmental Implications of Project Independence. 1976
Assessment of the impact of resource recovery on the environment / 1979
Assessment of the potential of clean fuels and energy technology / 1974
Benefit/Cost Analysis for State and Local Noise Control Programs, Phase II Report: In-Use Controls of Motor Vehicles with Degraded Mufflers and Regulations Scenerios. 1981
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume VII: Alternative Effects Assessment. 1978
Contingency analysis modeling for Superfund sites and other sources. 1993
Data quality objectives for remedial response activities : development process / 1990
Demonstration of a scenario approach for technology assessment transportation sector / [electronic resource] : 2004
Design of Climate Scenarios with Application to Agriculture and Forestry in Central and Eastern North America. 1996
Developing Guidance for Considering Cost-Effectiveness When Selecting and Designing IAQ Control Approaches. 1998
Development of Impact-Oriented Climate Scenarios. 1991
Disposal of Domestic Birds Infected by Avian Influenza: An Overview of Considerations and Options. 2006
Economic Impact Analysis of a Trihalomethane Regulation for Drinking Water. MCL of THM at 0.10 Milligrams/Liter for Large Water Systems. 1977
Economic impact assessment of a chlorofluorocarbon production cap support document, section 6, proposed rule, toxic substances control act / {microform} : 1981
Economic Impact of Proposed Amendment to Water Pollution Regulations for Hexane Extractable Materials, R74-1, 8, 9. 1977
Effects of Trends in Tillage Practices on Erosion and Carbon Content of Soils in the U.S. Corn Belt. 1993
Emission characterization of stationary NOx sources / 1978
Energy and Fuel Demand Model for the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region. 1982
Energy from the West : a progress report of a technology assessment of western energy resource development : executive summary : prepared for Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency / 1977
Environmental Technology Verification Program : verification strategy. 1997
Environmental Technology Verification Program : verification strategy. 1997
EPA Draft Environmental Impact Statement Supplement (Tallahassee-Leon County Wastewater Management, Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida). 1990
EPA staff papers presented at the Chesapeake Bay research conference March 1988. 1988
Estimating Regional Losses to Agricultural Producers from Airborne Residuals in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region, 1976-2000. 1981
Estimating the Area of Influence of Ozone Produced by Local Precursor Emissions for a Summer Period with a Range of Photochemical Activity. 1998
Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone. 1998
Example exposure scenarios. 2004
Expert Group on emissions scenarios of the response strategies working of the intergovernmental panel on climate change. {microfiche} 1990
First year work plan for a technology assessment of Western energy resource development : Prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1976
Forecasts of the quantity and composition of solid waste / 1980
Fuel-saving technologies and facility conversion : costs, benefits, and incentives / 2004
General Circulation Model Scenarios for the Southern United States. 1997
Global Emissions Database (GloED) Version 1.0 (on Diskette). 1997
Global-Change Scenarios. Their Development and Use. U.S. Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 2.1b. 2007
Guidance for transportation conformity implementation in multi-jurisdictional nonattainment and maintenance areas. 2012
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