Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sante publique)

Select Item Title Year Published
1,1-dichloroethene (vinylidene chloride) / 2003
1,2,3-trichloropropane / 2003
American journal of epidemiology. 1965
Annual review of public health. 1980
Charting the nation's health : trends since 1960. 1985
Chrysotile asbestos / 1998
Diethyl phthalate / 2003
Doubt is their product : how industry's assault on science threatens your health / 2008
Drinking water regulation and health / 2003
Ecosystems and human health : toxicology and environmental hazards / 2001
Environmental change, climate, and health : issues and research methods / 2002
Environmental health perspectives : EHP. 1972
Epidemiology : a very short introduction / 2010
Global crises, global solutions / 2004
Health and community design : the impact of the built environment on physical activity / 2003
Health and the global environment / 1990
Health aspects of the disposal of waste chemicals / 1986
Hydrogen cyanide and cyanides : human health aspects / 2004
Hydrogen sulfide : human health aspects / 2003
Impact of hazardous chemicals on public health, policy, and service / 2002
Intersectoral coordination and health in environmental management : an examination of national experience / 1981
Investing in health research and development : report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Health Research Relating to Future Intervention Options, convened under the auspices of the World Health Organization. 1996
Laboratory safety : principles and practices / 1995
Life support : the environment and human health / 2002
On the season; a report of a public health project conducted among Negro migrant agricultural workers in Palm Beach County, Florida 1961
Pathogenic mycobacteria in water : a guide to public health consequences, monitoring and management / 2004
Reducing the impact of poverty on health and human development : scientific approaches / 2008
Reuse of human wastes in aquaculture : a technical review / 1992
Risk assessment for environmental health / 2007
Risk assessment in the federal government : managing the process / 1983
Safety of genetically engineered foods : approaches to assessing unintended health effects / 2004
Silent spring revisited / 1987
Survival models and data analysis / 1980
Urban sprawl and public health : designing, planning, and building for healthy communities / 2004
Water supply and health : proceedings of an international symposium, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 27-29 August 1980 / 1981

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