Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 80
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sanitary landfills United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1972 national dump site survey report / 1973
1989 guide to superfund sites 1989
93/94 guide to superfund sites 1993
A Critical review of wastewater treatment plant sludge disposal by landfilling / 1983
A Guide for methane mitigation projects : gas-to-energy at landfills and open dumps / 1996
A study of vegetation problems associated with refuse landfills / 1978
A study of vegetation problems associated with refuse landfills / 1978
Addendum to the regulatory impact analysis for the final criteria for municipal solid waste landfills / 1991
Addendum to the regulatory impact analysis for the final criteria for municipal solid waste landfills / 1991
Application of EPA method 610 to the analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in leachate samples / 1982
Avoiding failure of leachate collection and cap drainage systems / 1986
Closing open dumps / 1971
Conducting remedial investigations/feasibility studies for CERCLA municipal landfill sites. 1991
CostPro : closure and post-closure care cost estimating software : user manual / 2002
Critical factors controlling vegetation growth on completed sanitary landfills / 1981
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 2000
Development of the utilization of combustible gas produced in existing sanitary landfills evaluation of the use of carbon dioxide produced in sanitary landfills / 1982
Economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 1999
Effective date delayed for landfill financial assurance requirements : environmental fact sheet / 1995
Existing solid waste management conditions on Indian reservations in California and Nevada / 1992
Field studies of liner installation methods at landfills and surface impoundments / 1985
Field verification of liners from sanitary landfills / 1983
Field verification of liners from sanitary landfills. 1983
Field verification of liners from sanitary landfills. {MICROFICHE} 1983
Final covers on hazardous waste landfills and surface impoundments. 1989
GRI's second worldwide survey of solid waste landfill liner and cover systems / 2007
Handbook : remedial action at waste disposal sites. 1985
Hazardous waste land treatment. 1983
Hazardous waste sites : descriptions of 244 sites on proposed update #2 to National priorities list, October 1984. 1984
Hazardous waste sites : descriptions of sites on current National priorities list, October 1984. 1984
Interim status surface impoundments retrofitting variances : draft guidance manual for regional office comment. 1985
Land disposal restrictions seminar / 1988
Landfill air emissions estimation model : user's manual / 1990
Landfill air emissions estimation model user's manual / 1991
Landfill air emissions estimation model user's manual : project summary / 1991
Landfill gas production from large landfill simulators / 1984
Landfill gas production from large landfill simulators / 1984
Liners for sanitary landfills and chemical and hazardous waste disposal sites / 1978
Lining of waste impoundment and disposal facilities. 1983
Managing America's solid waste / 1998
Methane on the move : your landfill's silent partner / 1979
Municipal solid waste disposal in estuaries and coastal marshlands / 1981
Municipal solid waste disposal in estuaries and coastal marshlands / 1980
Municipal solid waste publications 1997 / 1997
National survey of solid waste (municipal) landfill facilities : final report / 1988
Nonhazardous waste landfill publications. 2000
Pilot scale evaluation of sludge landfilling : four years of operation / 1988
Potential health effects from viable emissions and toxins associated with wastewater treatment plants and land application sites / 1981
Proximity of Georgia sanitary landfills to wetlands and deepwater habits : data on individual landfills / 1989
Proximity of Georgia sanitary landfills to wetlands and deepwater habits : project summary / 1990
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