Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sanitary landfills Leaching)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A preliminary evaluation of the geohydrology and water quality of the Greenacres landfill area, Spokane County, Washington / 1986
A Subtitle D landfill application manual for the multimedia exposure assessment model (MULTIMED) : project summary / 1993
An SAB report : review of EPA's Composite Model for leachate Migration with Transformation Products - EPACMTP. 1995
Avoiding failure of leachate collection and cap drainage systems / 1986
Avoiding failure of leachate collection and cap drainage systems / 1986
Behavior and assimilation of organic and inorganic priority pollutants codisposed with municipal refuse / 1993
Behavior and assimilation of organic and inorganic priority pollutants codisposed with municipal refuse / 1993
Behavior and assimilation of organic and inorganic priority pollutants codisposed with municipal refuse : project summary / 1993
Biological activity and potential remediation involving geotextile landfill leachate filters / 1992
Characterization of municipal waste combustion ash, ash extracts, and leachates : executive summary / 1990
Characterization of municipal waste combustion ash, ash extracts, and leachates. Coalition on resource recovery and the environment. / 1990
Chemical attenuation reactions of selenium 1994
Chemical composition of pulp and paper industry landfill leachates / 1992
Commentary on appropriateness of SAB reviews of computer environmental transport and fate models developed for regulatory decisionmaking. 1995
Compatibility of flexible membrane liners and municipal solid waste leachates / 1991
Compatibility of flexile membrane liners and municipal solid waste leachates 1991
Conducting remedial investigations/feasibility studies for CERCLA municipal landfill sites. 1991
Constructed wetlands for the treatment of landfill leachates / 1999
Construction, monitoring, and performance of two soil liners 1991
Construction, monitoring, and performance of two soil liners : project summary / 1992
Contaminated soil treatment practices. 1985
Critical review and summary of leachate and gas production from landfills / 1987
Critical review and summary of leachate and gas production from landfills / 1985
Demonstrating leachate treatment report on a full-scale operating plant / 1979
Demonstration of a leachate treatment plant / 1978
Demonstration of a leachate treatment plant : interim report. 1977
Development and application of models of sanitary landfill leaching and landfill stabilization 1980
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses / 1986
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses / 1986
Effects of increasing amounts of non-polar organic liquids in domestic waste leachate on the hydraulic conductivity of clay liners in southern Ontario 1989
Environmental impacts of special types of landfills / 1981
Estimates of macrodispersivity based on analyses of hydraulic conductivity variability at the MADE site 1989
Evaluation of a leachate collection and treatment facility in Enfield, Connecticut : final task assignment report / 1981
Evaluation of source term initial conditions for modeling leachate migration from landfills / 1992
Evaluation of source term initial conditions for modeling leachate migration from landfills : project summary / 1993
Geochemical behavior of chromium species / 1986
Hazardous waste leachate management manual 1982
In situ vitrification application to buried waste interim report of intermediate field tests at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory / 1991
Innovative systems for waste isolation and containment 1995
Interaction between landfill leachates and carbonate-derived residual soils / 1974
Investigation of test methods for solidified waste evaluation : a cooperative program / 1991
Investigations of coupled geochemical and transport modeling for the hazardous waste identification rule : project summary / 1996
Landfill gas and leachate monitoring, Helena, Montana : a technical assistance panels program report / 1981
Landfill leachate clogging of geotextile (and soil) filters / 1991
Landfill leachate clogging of geotextile (and soil) filters / 1991
Leachate clogging assessment of geotextile and soil landfill filters 1995
Leachate clogging assessment of geotextile and soil landfill filters : project summary / 1995
Leachate from hazardous wastes sites / 1983
Leachate from municipal landfills production and management / 1985
Leachate generation and migration at Subtitle D facilities : a summary and review of processes and mathematical models - project summary / 1993
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