Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sanitary Engineering)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Alaska village demonstration projects"; report to Congress. 1973
1957 inventory : municipal and industrial waste facilities. 1958
1968 National Medical Audiovisual Center Catalog. 1968
1988 in brief 1988
2001 Coastal Illicit Connection Identification and Elimination Grant Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Report. 2003
A classification system for water and wastewater facilities and personnel : Part 2--Personnel certification and examination system. 1976
A classification system for water and wastewater facilities and personnel : Part 3--Existing examination systems : a current status report / 1976
A four-year wastewater technology curriculum / 1974
A four-year wastewater technology curriculum : curriculum guide / 1976
A generalized computer model for steady-state performance of the activated sludge process / 1969
A pressure sewer system demonstration / 1972
A report to Congress on water pollution control manpower development and training activities / 1972
A study of flow reduction and treatment of waste water from households / 1969
A two-year water quality monitoring curriculum / 1975
Activated Sludge Treatment of Chrome Tannery Wastes. 1969
Activities report of the Basic and Applied Sciences Branch Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control. 1963
Administrative review of the ABC certification system : project report by the Association of Boards of Certification for Operating Personnel in Water and Wastewater Utilities. 1977
Administrator's decision on the proposed Dickerson wastewater treatment plant grant application / 1976
Advanced Waste Treatment by Distillation. 1964
Advanced Waste Treatment Research Program. 1965
Aerobic treatment of fruit processing wastes : a study of aerated lagoon, activated sludge, and activated sludge reaeration in the treatment of fruit cannery waste. 1969
Air pollution aspects of tepee burners used for disposal of municipal refuse / 1966
Air pollution engineering manual. 1967
Air pollution engineering manual. 1973
Air Pollution in the National Capital Area. 1962
Air pollution measurement, modelling, and mitigation / [electronic resource] : 2009
Alaska village demonstration projects : first generation of integrated utilities for remote communities / 1973
All dried up : how clean water is threatened by budget cuts. 2004
Alternatives in water management; a report / 1969
America's animal factories : how states fail to prevent pollution from livestock waste / 1998
An accounting system for sanitary landfill operations / 1969
An assessment of automatic sewer flow samplers - 1975 / 1975
An assessment of solid waste disposal practices in rural communities in Alaska / 1984
An environmental management systems (EMS) handbook for wastewater utilities. 2004
An environmental management systems (EMS) handbook for wastewater utilities. 2004
An environmental management systems (EMS) handbook for wastewater utilities. 2004
An Interim process evaluation of the AEES "living machine" : Frederick County, Md. / 1996
An investigation of light-catalyzed chlorine oxidation for treatment of wastewater / 1968
An outline guide covering sanitation aspects of mass evacuation. 1956
Analysis of Dissolved Oxygen in Natural and Waste Waters. 1966
Analytical Reference Service Sample Type VII (Water, Oxygen Demand). Report of a Laboratory Performance Study Conducted Jointly with the Participating Member Organizations. 1960
Annual Report of the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, July 1, 1953 to June 30, 1954. 1954
Application of spectral analysis to stream and estuary field surveys : I. Individual power spectra / 1963
Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Industrial, Institutional, Structural and Health Related Pest Control. 1976
Appropriate sanitation alternatives : a technical and economic appraisal / 1978
Appropriate sanitation alternatives for low-income communities : a brief introduction 1982
Appropriate technology for the treatment of wastewaters for small rural communities report on a WHO meeting, Lyon, 7-11 June 1982. 1985
Appropriate technology for water supply and sanitation : technical and economic options 1980
Appropriate technology for water supply and sanitation a sanitation field manual / 1980
Assessment of mathematical models for storm and combined sewer management / 1976
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