Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=San Francisco Bay Delta Water Quality Control Program)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biologic-ecologic studies. 1968
Develop preliminary structure of engineering-economic model. / 1967
Estimate of present and future economic development in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Program study area. 1967
Fish and wildlife resources of San Francisco Bay and Delta : description, environmental requirements, problems, opportunities and the future. 1968
Ground water conditions effecting the Bay-Delta system : a report prepared for the San Francisco Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Program. 1968
Hydrologic-water quality model development and testing. 1968
Inventory directory. 1967
Special oceanographic studies. 1968
Study of water quality parameters : Appendix C (Supplemental volume) Reduced Scale Pesticide Study. 1968
Study of water quality parameters. 1968

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