Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Salvage Waste etc United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
American wasteland : how America throws away nearly half of its food (and what we can do about it) / 2010
American wasteland : how America throws away nearly half of its food (and what we can do about it) / 2011
Beyond RCRA : waste and materials management in the year 2020. 2003
Characterization of municipal solid waste in the United States 1960-2000 : final report / 1986
Directory of waste utilization technologies in Europe and the United States 1989
Ecological revitalization : turning contaminated properties into community assets. 2009
Freegans : diving into the wealth of food waste in America / 2016
Guidelines for Making Environmentally-Sound Decisions in the Superfund Remedial Process 1993
Municipal solid waste : land disposal : proceedings of the Fifth Annual Research Symposium at Orlando, Florida, March 26, 27, and 28, 1979 / 1979
Pay-as-you-throw tool kit : guidebooks, workbook, software, videotape / 1996
Pollution prevention in metal manufacturing : saving money through pollution prevention. 1989
Proceedings of the National Conference on Waste Exchange 1983
Proceedings of the second National Conference on Waste Exchange 1985
Recoverable materials and energy from industrial waste streams 1987
Recycling and reuse in the residential construction industry / 1997
Resource recovery and waste reduction activities : a nationwide survey / 1979
Siting our solid waste : making public involvement work. 1990
Solid waste : state and federal efforts to manage nonhazardous waste : report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / 1995
Solid waste progress in implementing the federal program to buy products containing recovered materials : testimony before the Subcommittee on Transportation and Hazardous Materials, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1992
State recycling contacts. 1993
Summary report : environmental technology resource book : innovative technologies for municipal solid waste recycling / 1992
Sustainable materials management : the road ahead / 2009
Unit pricing : providing an incentive to reduce municipal solid waste. 1991

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