Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Crassostrea virginica' as an Indicator of Cadmium Pollution. 1981
A hydrographic survey of the Galveston Bay system, Texas, 1963-66 1971
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service / 1980
A water quality modelling study of the Delaware Estuary / 1978
Abridged bibliography : Economics of water quality : salinity pollution. 1971
Achieving irrigation return flow quality control through improved legal systems / 1978
Acute and chronic effects of salinity on two populations of red swamp crawfish, Procambarus clarki. 1967
Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia to Marine Fish and a Mysid. 1990
Acute Toxicities of Cd2+, Cr+6, Hg2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ to Estuarine Macrofauna. 1976
Acute Toxicities of Selected Heavy Metals to the Softshell Clam, 'Mya arenaria'. 1977
Acute Toxicity and Bioconcentration of Endosulfan-Exposed Estuarine Animals. 1977
Acute Toxicity and Sublethal Behavioral Effects of Copper on Barnacle Nauplii 'Balanus improvisus'. 1980
Acute Toxicity of 4-Nitrophenol, 2,4-Dinitrophenol, Terbufos and Trichlorfon to Grass Shrimp ('Palaemonetes' spp.) and Sheepshead Minnows ('Cyprinodon variegatus') as Affected by Salinity and Temperature. 1994
Adaptability of Metabolism in North Caspian Mussels (Genus Dreissena) to Variation in Salinity Regime (Prisposoblennost Obmena Dreissen Severnogo Kaspiya k Izmeneniyu Solevogo Rezhima). 1947
Albemarle-Pamlico Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Data Summary 1991-1992. 1992
Albemarle-Pamlico Baseline Water Quality Monitoring Data Summary, 1988-1991. 1992
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for chlorpyrifos / 1986
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for silver : draft. 1987
Ambient water and sediment quality of Galveston Bay : present status and historical trends / 1992
Ambient Water and Sediment Quality of Galveston Bay: Present Status and Historical Trends. Volume II. Extended Technical Report. 1992
Ammonia toxicity / 1976
Analysis of brine disposal in the Gulf of Mexico. 2, West Hackberry. [electronic resource] 1977
Analysis of brine disposal in the Gulf of Mexico: Big Hill. 1977
Analysis of geothermal wastes for hazardous components / 1983
Analysis of the current and salinity structure off Howell Point in the upper Chesapeake Bay 1976
Analysis of the Water Quality Problems of the Safford Valley, Arizona. 1973
Animal waste management in the Northern Great Plains / 1976
Animal waste utilization on cropland and pastureland : a manual for evaluating agronomic and environmental effects. 1979
Animal waste utilization on cropland and pastureland : a manual for evaluating agronomic and environmental effects. 1978
Animal-Sediment Relationships of the Upper and Central Chesapeake Bay. 1983
Annual Report on Irrigation Tailwater Management 1975-1976. 1981
Apparatus for Exposing Estuarine Aquatic Organisms to Toxicants in Constant and Fluctuating Salinity Regimes. 1989
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Exposure Assessment Component. 1984
Application of a Three-Dimensional Circulation Model to Tampa Bay to Support Water Quality Modeling. Final Report. 1995
Application of aut²-qual modelling system to the Patuxent River basin / 1973
Application of membrane technology to power generation waters / 1980
Approaches to Identify Exceedances of Water Quality Thresholds Associated with Ocean Conditions. 2010
Assessing the geochemical fate of deep-well-injected hazardous waste : a reference guide. 1990
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Belle Fourche and Little Missouri River Basins / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the San Juan Basin / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Yampa and White River basins / 1980
Assessment of irrigation return flow models / 1976
Assessment of Salinity Effects on the Toxicity of Atrazine to Chesapeake Bay Species: Data Needs for Development of Estuarine Aquatic Life Criteria. 1993
ASWEPS shallow water investigation, Virginia Capes area, September-October 1967 / 1969
Authorized Paradox Valley Unit, Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Project : draft environmental statement / 1978
Barataria Basin salinity changes and oyster distribution / 1976
Benefits Evaluation: Arkansas-Red River Basins Water Quality Conservation Project. 1962
Best management practices for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1978
Bibliography on atmospheric (cyclic) sea salts 1970
Binding and Precipitation of Trace Elements by Humic Substances in Natural Waters. 1971
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