Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Saline water conversion)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A cooperative research effort to lower the costs of membrane-based desalting in California / 2009
A standardized procedure for estimating costs of saline water conversion / 1956
A study of the disposal of the effluent from a large desalination plant / 1968
A study of the effect of desalination plant effluents on marine benthic organisms / 1971
A study of the effect of desalination plant effluents on marine benthic organisms. 1971
A-B-seas of desalting. 1966
ABCs of desalting 2000
Analysis and optimization of a multi-effect multi-stage flash distillation system 1968
Applicability of the SWTR and IESWTR to seawater systems* / 1999
Assessing seawater intake systems for desalination plants / 2011
Biological effects of effluent from a desalination plant at Key West, Florida, 1970
Biological sulfate reduction for recovering reverse osmosis concentrate : final report / 2006
Brine disposal pond manual, 1970
Case studies of desalted water for irrigation 1972
Closed-cycle textile dyeing : full-scale hyperfiltration demonstration (design) / 1980
Closed-cycle textile dyeing : full-scale hyperfiltration demonstration / 1983
Critical assessment of implementing desalination technologies / 2009
Demineralization of carbon-treated secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1978
Demineralization of saline water by electrically-induced adsorption on porous carbon electrodes 1962
Demineralization of sand-filtered secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1977
Desalination : water for the world's future / 1968
Desalination and its role in water supply 1967
Desalination facility design and operation for maximum efficiency / 2011
Desalination of seawater by reverse osmosis 1981
Desalination product water recovery and concentrate volume minimization / 2009
Desalination, with a grain of salt : a California perspective / 2006
Desalination. 1966
DESALNET : advanced water treatment database / 2002
Desalting alternatives in ten California communities : reconnaissance evaluation report / 1974
Desalting handbook for planners / 1972
Desalting water probably will not solve the Nation's water problems, but can help : report to the Congress / 1979
Design study of a reverse osmosis plant for sea water conversion, 1966
Developement of a salinity/toxicity relationship to predict acute toxicity of saline waters to freshwater organisms 1992
Development of analytical techniques for the determination of trace organic materials in water, 1968
Disposal of brines produced in renovation of municipal wastewater. 1970
Disposal of saline water conversion brines : an orientation study / 1958
Disposal of the effluents from desalination plants : the effects of copper content, heat and salinity / 1969
Economic effects of mineral content in municipal water supplies. 1967
Electrodialysis for desalting Hawaiian brackish ground water: a field study, 1970
Engineering evaluation of factors affecting quality of water sources available for saline water conversion plants. 1965
Enhanced reverse osmosis systems : intermediate treatment to improve recovery / 2011
Evaluation of calcium sensors in fresh- and saltwater / 1979
Evaluation of canal lining for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1972
Evaluation of ion exchange processes for treatment of mine drainage waters 1974
Future applications of desalting processes for the reduction of industrial water pollution final report. 1973
Guidelines for implementing seawater and brackish water desalination facilities / 2010
Hydro-salinity model of the Grand Valley / 1970
Improving municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalting, 1971
Industrial water softener waste brine reclamation / 1974
Inland desalination and concentrate management. 2019
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