Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21

Select Item Title Year Published
Agricultural pollution sources : Lake St. Clair--Canada / 1987
Canadian industrial/municipal point source survey 1985-1987 : QA project plan / 1986
Chlorinated contaminants in surficial sediments of Lakes Huron, St. Clair, and Erie : implications regarding sources along the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers / 1985
Final report on a geophysical and hydrological determination of the ground water flux through the bottom sediments of the upper connecting channels 1989
Genetic differentiation of walleye stocks in Lake St. Clair and western Lake Erie / 1990
Geophysical determination and computer modelling of ground water flow through lake sediments, Lake St. Clair, Michigan/Ontario / 1987
Great Lakes Institute data record, 1963 surveys. 1965
Investigation of mercury in the St. Clair River-Lake Erie systems. 1970
Islands of life : a biodiversity and conservation atlas of the Great Lakes islands / 2010
Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair handbook / 1993
Lake St. Clair beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of changes of storage / 1976
Lake St. Clair hydrologic transfer factors / 1976
Limnological data from Lake St. Clair, 1963 and 1965 1971
Modeling Work Group geographical area synthesis report / 1988
Pollution of waters of the United States in Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River and western Lake Erie in the Detroit area. 1962
Preliminary report on a geophysical and hydrological determination of the ground water flux through the bottom sediments of the upper connecting channels : Phase I / 1987
Report on water pollution in the Lake Erie basin, Southeastern Michigan area, St. Clair River - Lake St. Clair. 1967
St. Clair River sediments. 1987
The ecology of Lake St. Clair wetlands : a community profile / 1986
The St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair, Michigan : an ecological profile / 1988
Upper Great Lakes connecting channels study. : Nonpoint Source Work Group agricultural pollution sources Lake St. Clair--Canada / 0

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