Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 6
Showing: Items 1 - 6
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sacramento San Joaquin Estuary Calif Environmental conditions)

Select Item Title Year Published
Comprehensive conservation and management plan / 1994
Long-term trends in benthos abundance and persistence in the Upper Sacramento-San Joaquin Estury : summary report, 1980-1990 / 1994
San Francisco Bay : portrait of an estuary / 2003
State of the Estuary 2000 : restoration primer : San Francisco Bay Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Estuary / 2000
State of the Estuary 2004 : changes & challenges : San Francisco Bay, Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Estuary : October 2003, State of the Estuary Conference proceedings / 2004
State of the Estuary, 1992-1997 : vital statistics, new science, environmental management : San Francisco Bay-Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary / 1997

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