Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Albemarle-Pamlico Coupling Study. 1991
Anticipatory planning for sea-level rise along the coast of Maine / 1995
Application of Ecological and Economic Models of the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise to the Delaware Estuary. 2010
Arctic ocean investigation employing AOMIP-2 models. 2012
Assessing the risks of trace gases that can modify the stratosphere / 1987
Bayesian Methods for Model Uncertainty Analysis with Application to Future Sea Level Rise. 1992
Changing climate and the coast : report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change from the Miami Conference on Adaptive Responses to Sea Level Rise and Other Impacts of Global Climate Change / 1990
Chesapeake requiem : a year with the watermen of vanishing Tangier Island / 2018
Climate change 1995 : the science of climate change / 1996
Climate change : impact on coastal habitation / 1995
Climate Change Scenarios and Sea Level Rise Estimates For the California 2009 Climate Change Scenarios Assessment. A Paper From: California Climate Change Center. 2009
COAST in Action: 2012 Projects from Maine and New Hampshire. 2012
Coastal sensitivity to sea-level rise : a focus on the mid-Atlantic Region / 2009
Coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise a preliminary database for the U.S. Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico coasts.[electronic resource] 2001
Effect of altitude on non-controlled evaporative emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles / 1979
Effect of sea level rise on the middle Atlantic coast 1986
Global Climate Change: What Does It Mean for South Florida and the Florida Keys. A Report of the Florida Coastal Cities Tour Activities. Held in Key West, Florida on May 24-28, 1999. 1999
Global climates--past, present, and future : activities for Integrated Science Education (grades 8-10) / 1993
Global Environmental Change Issues in the Western Indian Ocean Region. 1991
Great Lakes Water Levels: Shoreline Dilemmas. Report on a Colloquium Sponsored by the Water Science and Technology Board, March 17-18, 1988. Colloquium 4. 1989
Greenhouse effect and sea level rise : a challenge for this generation / 1984
Greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and barrier islands : case study of Long Beach Island, New Jersey / 2004
Greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and coastal wetlands / 1988
Greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and coastal wetlands / 1987
Greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and salinity in the Delaware Estuary / 1986
Hot nights in the city : global warming, sea-level rise and the New York metropolitan region / 1999
Implications of climate change and sea level rise for the Republic of Palau : report of a preparatory mission / 1994
Maps of Lands Vulnerable to Sea Level Rise: Modeled Elevations along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. 2000
Planning for sea level rise. 1993
Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States. Volume 2. National Studies. Draft. 1988
Potential impacts of sea level rise on the beach at Ocean City, Maryland / 1985
Potential impacts of sea level rise on wetlands around Charleston, South Carolina / 1986
Projecting future sea level rise : methodology, estimates to the year 2100, and research needs / 1983
Projecting future sea level rise : methodology, estimates to the year 2100, and research needs / 1983
Regional air pollution study, Lambert Field graphical weather summary. 1979
Rising : dispatches from the new American shore / 2019
Rising seas, coastal erosion, and the takings clause : how to save wetlands and beaches without hurting property owners / 1998
Rising tide global warming and world sea levels / 1991
Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program: Framework for Action. 1992
Saving Louisiana's Coastal Wetlands. The Need for a Long-Term Plan of Action. 1987
Sea level rise in Washington State State of the knowledge, impacts, and potential policy issues / 1990
Sea level rise issues and potential management options for local governments / 1992
Sea level rise policy alternatives study 1990
Sea level rise. 1992
Sea-level changes in the Gulf of Mexico / 2011
Sea-level rise for the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington : past, present, and future / 2012
Sea-level rise for the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington : past, present, and future / 2012
Statistics for the environment 2 : water related issues / 1994
Synthesis of current measurements in Puget Sound, Washington. runoff, air temperature, wind, and sea level / Volume 4, Indices of mass and energy inputs into Puget Sound : 1984
The effect of eustatic sea-level changes on saltwater-freshwater in the northern Atlantic coastal plain / 1984
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