Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21

Select Item Title Year Published
Canadian industrial/municipal point source survey 1985-1987 : QA project plan / 1986
Estimated contaminant loadings in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers, 1984 / 1987
Great Lakes Institute Report on an assessment of seepage of groundwater into the St. Clair River near Sarnia, Ontario, Canada 1986
Great Lakes water quality data summary : St. Clair River 1976 / 1977
Ichthyoplankton of the St. Clair River in the vicinity of the St. Clair and proposed Belle River Power Plants : March 28-June 8, 1978 : final report / 1978
Mathematical model for Detroit River : user manual / 1972
Modeling Work Group geographical area synthesis report / 1988
Regime change (man made intervention) and ongoing erosion in the St. Clair River and impacts on Lake Michigan-Huron lake levels 2005
Report of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, on the pollution of boundary waters. 1951
Report on water pollution in the Lake Erie basin, Southeastern Michigan area, St. Clair River - Lake St. Clair. 1967
St. Clair River biota and their habitats : a geographic area report of the Biota Work Group, Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study / 1988
St. Clair River organics study : biological surveys : 1968 and 1977 / 1979
St. Clair River organics study : detection of mutagenic activity: screening of twenty-three organic compounds of industrial origin in the St. Clair River / 1979
St. Clair River organics study : fish toxicity and tainting evaluations for selected industrial effluents / 1977
St. Clair River Point Source survey, 1979-1980 / 1985
St. Clair River pollution investigation (Sarnia area). 1986
St. Clair River pollution investigation (Sarnia area). 1986
St. Clair River sediments. 1987
St. Clair River situation report / 1986
The St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair, Michigan : an ecological profile / 1988
Water pollution investigation: Detroit and St. Clair Rivers. 1974

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