Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Runoff United States Management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1996 clean water needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needs for publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities, correction of combined sewer overflows, and management of storm water and nonpoint source pollution in the United States. 1997
Alternative wastewater treatment for individual lots : part two of a series about onsite wastewater treatment alternatives. 2005
Building better II a guide to America's best new development projects : clean water edition. {electronic resource} : 2005
CAFOs & more : agricultural policy meets environmental law : emerging legal issues in the regulation and operation of CAFOs / 2005
Clean water needs survey 2000 : report to Congress. 2003
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for beef cattle and veal calf CAFOs?. 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the Federal requirements for dairy cow and heifer CAFOs?. 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for duck CAFOs? 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for horse and sheep CAFOs? 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for swine CAFOs? 2002
Decisionmaker's Stormwater Handbook : A Primer / 1992
Does your construction site need a stormwater permit? : a construction site operator's guide to EPA's Stormwater Permit Program. 2004
Getting community buy-in for stormwater funding : a four-session participatory workshop : facilitator manual / 2018
Getting community buy-in for stormwater funding : a four-session participatory workshop : participant workbook / 2018
Getting community buy-in for stormwater funding : a four-session participatory workshop : participant workbook / 2018
Green infrastructure research program : providing research solutions to manage wet-weather flow / 2008
Institutional aspects of urban runoff management : a guide for program development and implementation : a comprehensive review of the institutional framework of successful urban runoff management programs / 1997
Managing livestock, poultry, and horse waste to prevent contamination of drinking water {electronic resource}. 2001
Managing storm water runoff to prevent contamination of drinking water {electronic resource}. 2001
Managing storm water runoff to prevent contamination of drinking water. 2001
Managing wet weather with green infrastructure municipal handbook funding options. [electronic resource] : 2008
Managing wet weather with green infrastructure municipal handbook green infrastructure retrofit policies / [electronic resource] : 2008
Managing wet weather with green infrastructure municipal handbook green streets / [electronic resource] : 2008
Managing wet weather with green infrastructure municipal handbook rainwater harvesting policy / [electronic resource] : 2008
Meeting the challenge of urban wet weather. 1999
Monitoring guidance for determining the effectiveness of nonpoint source controls : final / 1997
National management measures to control nonpoint source pollution from urban areas. 2005
Preliminary data summary of urban stormwater best management practices / 1999
Proceedings of the Conference on "Political, Institutional and Fiscal Alternatives to Accelerate Nonpoint Pollution Programs" December 7-9, 1987, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1988
Protecting natural wetlands : a guide to stormwater best management practices. 1996
Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact Development (LID) Strategies and Practices. 2007
Regional guidance for development of state-by-state watershed protection assessment and action plans / 1994
Report on the EPA storm water management program : Volume 1 / 1992
Resource list for stormwater management programs. 2004
Seminar publication : National Conference on Urban Runoff Management : enhancing urban watershed management at the local, county, and state levels / 1995
Source water protection practices bulletin / managing livestock, poultry, and horse waste to prevent contamination of drinking water. 2001
Stormwater best management practice design guide 2004
Stormwater best management practices in an ultra-urban setting : selection and monitoring. 2000
Stormwater pollution abatement technologies / 1994
Technical guidance on implementing the stormwater runoff requirements for federal projects under section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act. 2009
Technical guidance on implementing the stormwater runoff requirements for federal projects under section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act. 2009
The practice of watershed protection / 2000
The practice of watershed protection / 2002
TMDLs in the urban environment : case studies / 2010
Urban stormwater management in the United States / 2009
Urban stormwater management in the United States [electronic resource] / 2009
Urbanization and water quality : a guide to protecting the urban environment / 1994
Use of best management practices (BMPs) in urban watersheds 2004
Using graywater and stormwater to enhance local water supplies : an assessment of risks, costs, and benefits / 2016
Using smart growth techniques as stormwater best management practices. 2005
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