Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Rule making)

Select Item Title Year Published
301(h) Final Rule: Work Group Closure Addendum. 1993
Background information : national priorities list, final rule / 1994
Environmental Protection Agency : 40 CFR part 142 : National Primary Drinking Water Regulations implementation primary enforcement responsibility ; proposed rule. 1994
Environmental Protection Agency : 40 CFR parts 141 and 142 : National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : enhanced surface water treatment requirements ; proposed rule. 1994
Final regulatory support document : control of emissions from highway motorcycles / 2003
Final report of the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on control of emissions from nonroad large spark ignition engines, recreational engines (marine and land-based), and highway motorcycles : July 17, 2001 / 2001
Guide to the biosolids risk assessments for the EPA Part 503 rule. 1995
Management of records of decision (RODS) to facilitate public and agency access. 1994
Measurement of total site mercury emissions from a chlor-alkali plant using open-path UV-DOAS final report to OAQPS, category II//support for development of environmental regulations and standards / [electronic resource] : 2007
Preliminary data summary of the metal finishing industry. 1994
RCRA/UST, Superfund, and EPCRA Hotline Training Module. Introduction to Radiation Site Cleanup Rulemaking. 1996
Supplementary materials : national priorities list, final rule / 1994
Supplementary materials : national priorities list, proposed rule. 1994
Tropospheric Ozone and Fine Particle Air Quality Problems. 1998

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