Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar geochronology and tectonic significance of the Upper Cretaceous Adel Mountain volcanics and spatially associated Tertiary igneous rocks, northwestern Montana / 2005
A color illustrated guide to carbonate rock constituents, textures, cements, and porosities / 1978
A field guide to rocks and minerals / 1996
A geochemical and petrological study of the crystalline basement and associated megablocks of the Eyreville-B drillcore, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA / 2015
A numeric code for describing rocks in sedimentary basins / 1974
Age and tectonic significance of volcanic rocks in the northern Los Angeles Basin, California / 2002
Airborne Emission Control Technology for the Elemental Phosphorus Industry. 1984
Algal-Available Particulate Phosphorus in the Great Lakes Basin. 1985
An approach to the fracture hydrology at Stripa : preliminary results / 1979
Analyses and descriptions of geochemical samples, Barbours Creek and Shawvers Run Wilderness Study Areas, Craig County, Virginia 1986
Analyses of carbonate rocks--northwestern Virginia (Elkins-Staunton 0.5 x 1 quadrangles) 1994
Analysis of effluent data from the crushed stone industry / 1984
Ancient sedimentary environments 1978
Applied hydrogeology of fractured rocks / 2010
Applied inorganic analysis; with special reference to the analysis of metals, minerals, and rocks, 1953
Asbestos analyses of crushed stone samples 1981
Asbestos/rock quarries--mapping of Oregon quarries located within 10 miles of serpentinite rock deposits / 1979
Atlantic coastal plain sedimentation and basement tectonics southeast of Washington, D.C. Fort Washington to Waldorf, Maryland, July 13, 1989 / 1989
Attenuation of water--soluble polychlorinated biphenyls by earth materials / 1980
Attenuation of water-soluble polychlorinated biphenyls by earth materials / 1980
Availability of Limestones and Dolomites. Task 1. 1972
Avalanches including Debris Avalances: a Bibliography. 1972
Basic analytical petrology / 1989
Best Management Practices for Sediment Control and Water Clarity Enhancement. 2006
Borehole-geophysical and hydraulic investigation of the fractured-rock aquifer near the University of Connecticut landfill, Storrs, Connecticut, 2000 to 2001 2005
Bulk Content of Uranium, Radium, and Thorium in Certain Parent Rocks. 1972
Bulk Content of Uranium, Radium, and Thorium in Certain Soil-Forming Rocks. 1972
Bulletproof feathers : how science uses nature's secrets to design cutting-edge technology / 2010
Carbonate bodies within the basal Swift Formation (Jurassic) of northwestern North Dakota / 1983
Carbonate bodies within the Basal Swift Formation (Jurassic) of northwestern North Dakota [cartographic material] / 1983
Carbonates of the Lower and Middle Ordovician in central Pennsylvania / 1969
Characterization and evaluation of wastewater sources, United States Steel Corporation : Homestead Wheel and Axle Plant, Mc Kees Rocks, Pennsylvania, August 21-28, 1975. 1976
Chemical composition of sedimentary rocks in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. 1967
Chemical methods of rock analysis / 1975
Comparison of some properties of mine soils and contiguous natural soils / 1978
Conceptual evaluation of regional ground-water flow in the carbonate-rock province of the Great Basin, Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states / 1995
Conceptual model of a mined repository in granitic rocks of the North-Central region of the United States : for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1984
Conceptual model of a mined repository in granitic rocks of the Northeastern of the United States : for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1983
Contaminants and Drinking-Water Sources in 2001: Recent Findings of the U.S. Geological Survey. 2000
Control Technology Alternatives and Costs for Compliance: Elemental Phosphorus Plants. 1983
Cooperative investigation of precision and accuracy in chemical, spectrochemical and modal analysis of silicate rocks 1951
Core KM-3, a surface to bedrock record of late Cenozoic sedimentation in Searles Valley, California : the basin sedimentation history of Searles (dry) Lake from Miocene or early Pliocene time to the present / 1983
Delineation of Ground-Water Flow Systems in Nevada. 1968
Delineation of wellhead protection areas in fractured rocks / 1991
Density Logs from Underground Gravity Surveys in Hawaii. 1971
Depositional Environments and Sediment Characteristics of the Colville and Adjacent Deltas, Northern Arctic Alaska. 1975
Deposits of the Creede Caldera, Colorado 1987
Development and Application of Borehole Flowmeters for Environmental Assessment. 1993
Development document for interim final effluent limitations, guidelines, and standards of performance--mineral mining and processing industry / 1975
Development of procedures for the measurement of fugitive emissions / 1976
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