Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 62
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
A method for regulating timber harvest and road construction activity for water quality protection in Northern California. 1973
Air pollution : EPA needs more data from FHWA on changes to highway projects : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1990
Air quality and energy conservation benefits from using emulsions to replace asphalt cutbacks in certain paving operations / 1978
Assessing and managing the ecological impacts of paved roads / 2005
Assessment of road carpet for control of fugitive emissions from unpaved roads / 1979
Building information modelling (BIM) for Transport and Main Roads : guideline : a guide to enabling BIM on road infrastructure projects. 2021
Coalfields Expressway : final environmental impact statement / 1999
Construction manual / 1975
Context sensitive solutions in designing major urban thoroughfares for walkable communities / 2006
Design and evaluation of roadway widening sections through swamps : initial report / 1976
Downtown Norfolk corridor study, St. Paul's Boulevard/Brambleton Avenue connector, Route 460 : final environmental impact statement / 1992
Draft environmental impact statement and major investment study, section 4(f) evaluation : Intercounty Connector, I-270 to US 1, Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland. 1997
Draft environmental impact/section 4(f) statement for SHA project no.: M0746B11 : MD 97 - Brookeville Project from south of Gold Mine Road to north of Holiday Drive, Montgomery County, Maryland / 2001
Drinking water : projects that may damage sole source aquifers are not always identified : report to the Honorable Henry B. Gonzalez, House of Representatives / 1992
Ecological effects of highway construction upon Michigan woodlots and wetlands / 1978
Ecological effects of highway construction upon Michigan woodlots and wetlands / 1977
Effects of highway construction on water quality and biota in an adjacent Colorado mountain stream / 1983
Eldora/South Fairmont I-79 interchange, Marion County, West Virginia : environmental assessment / 1998
Elkins Bypass, Randolph County, West Virginia : final environmental impact statement/section 404 application / 1999
Environmental guidelines for development roads in the subarctic / 1974
Environmental guidelines for road construction in Alaska / 1971
Environmental improvement plan [Region 10, for FY '93-94] / 1992
Environmental News : EPA opposes filling Boston Harbor to dispose of fill from artery/third harbor tunnel project. 1990
Handbook for forest and ranch roads : a guide for planning, designing, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and closing wildland roads / 1994
Handbook for protection of fish and wildlife from construction of farm and forest roads : best management practices for building activities associated with the discharge of dredged or fill material / 1982
Handbook of road ecology / 2015
HCM 2010 : highway capacity manual. 2010
Highway and transit program reauthorization : an analysis of environmental protection issues / 2004
Highway runoff manual draft copy / [electronic resource] : 2001
I-70 in a mountain environment : Vail Pass, Colorado / 1978
Impacts of climate change on transportation and infrastructure a Gulf Coast study / [electronic resource] : 2010
King Coal Highway : draft environmental impact statement / 2000
King Cove Access Project : draft environmental impact statement / 2003
Klingle Road draft EIS : draft environmental impact statement for Klingle Road / 2005
Leaching behavior of coal combustion products and the environmental implication in road construction / 2011
Logging roads and protection of water quality / 1975
Mitigation of nighttime construction noise, vibrations, and other nuisances 1999
New River Parkway, Hinton to I-64, Raleigh and Summers Counties, West Virginia : supplemental draft environmental impact statement / 2002
Quantifying the impacts of road construction on wetlands loss : draft final report / 1997
Riparian road guide : managing roads to enhance riparian areas / 1994
Roads, highways, and bridges BMP's cost analysis. 1992
Secondary impacts of transportation and wastewater investments : research results / 1975
Sediment movement in an area of suburban highway construction, Scott Run Basin, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1961-64 / 1969
Setting priorities for control of fugitive particulate emissions from open sources / 1979
Shawnee Highway : draft environmental impact statement / 2000
Shawnee Highway : final environmental impact statement / 2001
Statement of findings. 2011
Stormwater management report Interstate I-270 : north of MD. rte. 118 to north of MD. Rte. 121 / 1988
Suggestions for temporary erosion and siltation control measures / 1977
The effects of highway construction on Galt Creek, Ontario / 1978
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