Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Rivers Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A mathematical model for predicting temperature in rivers and river-run reservoirs / 1969
A sampling and analysis plan for streams, in the National Surface Water Survey conducted by EPA / 1987
An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island : a report of progress for the period June-December 1968 / 1969
An empirical investigation of sampling and other errors in the National Stream Survey : analysis of a replicated sample of streams / 1987
An SAB Report: Evaluation of the Blackstone River initiative / 1998
Annotated bibliography of historical conditions in streams and rivers of the western United States / 2006
Blackstone River initiative : Phase 1 : dry weather assessment interim report of data 1991 / 1992
Blackstone River initiative : water quality analysis of the Blackstone River under wet and dry weather conditions / 2001
Blackstone River. 2005
Chowan River, North Carolina, Blackwater River, Virginia : final environmental statement / 1971
Cleaner cities, healthier cities : urban environmental challenges, urban successes. 2007
Ecological assessment of streams and rivers in the Western United States : a cooperative effort between the U.S. EPA and western states and tribal nations : Draft. 1999
Ecological condition of streams in the coast range ecoregion of Oregon and Washington 2000
Ecological condition of the Upper Chehalis Basin streams 2001
Ecological condition of Western Cascades ecoregion streams : an environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) report / 2004
Fish and wildlife evaluation report on proposed developments for the Salem Church Reservoir project : Rappahannock River, Virginia. 1900
Fish habitat and channel conditions of nine streams in forested lands of Southeast Alaska and Afognak Island : final report, Project no. 44-005 / 1993
Fish habitat and channel conditions of nine streams in forested lands of Southeast Alaska and Afognak Island, 1992 survey results / 1993
Let the water do the work : induced meandering, an evolving method for restoring incised channels / 2014
Loxahatchee River basin wetland planning project for Martin County : technical summary document / 2000
Loxahatchee River basin wetland planning project for Palm Beach County : technical summary document / 1999
National surface water survey : national stream survey, phase I - pilot survey--field operations report / 1987
National surface water survey : national stream survey, phase I--pilot survey / 1986
National surface water survey : national stream survey, pilot survey--field operations report / 1987
New River area of critical environmental concern management plan. 1995
Patuxent River study : a field-orientated program to assess the impact of cultural development on the Patuxent River ecosystem 1978
Proceedings of the March 8, 1988 Scenic Rivers Water Quality Workshop 1988
Report on the Potomac River basin studies : part V: investigation of the Shenandoah River basin, investigation of water uses, pollution sources, water quality, and water requirements for water supply and pollution abatement in the Shenandoah River basin. 1961
River republic : the fall and rise of America's rivers. 2014
South County RI Watersheds. 2005
State biological monitoring and assessment programs for streams and wadable rivers / 1995
Verde River : wild and scenic river study : report and environmental impact statement. 1982

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