Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=River channels)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Applied fluvial geomorphology 1992
Biological studies Houston ship channel 1971
Changes in morphology and endangered fish habitat of the Colorado River 1994
Changes in the channel of the Lower Missouri River and effects on fish and wildlife 1974
Channel change on the Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, 1936-86 1995
Channels and waters of the Upper Salmon River area, Idaho 1975
Comparison of regression relations of bankfull discharge and channel geometry for the glaciated and nonglaciated settings of Pennyslvania and southern New York / 2018
Completely mixed model of the Houston ship channel 1900
Delaware River model study : report no. 3, effects of proposed channel enlargement between Philadelphia and Trenton, appendix A, tests of alternate alignments of specific reaches and closure of Burlington Island Back Channel / 1959
Distribution of bottom sediments and effects of proposed dredging in the ship channel of the Delaware River between northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Wilmington, Delaware, 1984 1986
Downstream effects of dams on alluvial rivers / 1984
Drainage basins, channels, and flow characteristics of selected streams in central Pennsylvania, 1961
Effects of channel changes on geomorphic and hydraulic characteristics of the Canadian River near Raton, New Mexico, 1965-2000 / 2003
Effects of urbanization on stream channels and stream flow, 1973
Estimation of roughness coefficients for natural stream channels with vegetated banks 1998
Factors controlling the size and shape of stream channels in coarse noncohesive sands / 1961
Field guide for stream classification / 1998
Flow routing in the Susquehanna River basin. Part V, Flow-routing models for the West Branch Susquehanna River basin, Pennsylvania / 1984
Fluvial forms and processes : a new perspective / 1998
Fluvial processes in dryland rivers 1988
Geoacoustic study of Delaware Main Channel / 1996
Geomorphic conditions in salmonid-supporting streams : Umatilla National Forest, northeast Oregon and southeast Washington / 1996
Gradation processes and channel evolution in modified west Tennessee streams : process, response, and form / 1994
Gravel-bed rivers : processes and disasters / 2017
GREAT II channel maintenance handbook : "supplement to the GREAT II main report" : upper Mississippi River (Guttenberg to Saverton, Missouri). 1980
Gully erosion / 1985
Houston Ship Channel Toxicity Study Appendices : Volume I- Appendices A-C / 1995
Houston Ship Channel Toxicity Study Project Report / 1995
Houston Ship Channel Toxicity Study Supplemental Environmental Project : Summary of Findings. 1995
Hydraulic geometry of river cross-sections : theory of minimum variance / 1978
Mean annual runoff as related to channel geometry of selected streams in California, 1970
Metamorphosis of a River. A Comparison of the Mississippi River Before and After Cutoffs. 1973
Monitoring of water quality in the Houston ship channel and other selected Gulf Coast estuaries : a technical proposal / 1973
Natural and anthropogenic influences in fluvial geomorphology : the Wolman volume / 1995
Pleistocene Susquehanna River channel connects the lower reaches of the Chester, Miles, and Choptank estuaries 1972
Proceedings, Workshop on Downstream River Channel Changes Resulting from Diversions or Reservoir Construction : a compilation of papers, summaries, and problem sets presented at Fort Collins, Colorado, 27-29 August 1980 / 1981
Reconnaissance of stream geomorphology, low streamflow, and stream temperature in the mountaintop coal-mining region, southern West Virginia, 1999-2000 / 2001
Riparian vegetation and fluvial geomorphology / 2004
River adjustment to altered hydrologic regimen, Murrumbidgee River and paleochannels, Australia, 1968
River channel patterns: braided, meandering, and straight, 1957
Sediment transport, hydraulic retention devices and aquatic habitat in sand-bed channels / 1993
Stage-discharge characteristics of a weir in a sand-channel stream / 1969
Stream channel reference sites : an illustrated guide to field technique / 1994
Streamflow characteristics related to channel geometry of streams in western United States / 1982
Study of the flushing times of the Houston ship channel and Galveston Bay 1968
The influence of sediment supply and large woody debris on pool characteristics and habitat diversity / 1998
Topographic data sets for Texas by river basin / 1997
Tri-tube freeze-core procedure for sampling stream gravels / 1980
Two-dimensional collocation finite-element model for transient mixing in natural rivers 1981
Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study / 1988
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