Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Risk factors)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2008-2009 national monitoring programs (UATMP, NATTS, and CSATAM) : volume I, main : volume II, appendices / 2011
Acute effects on health of smog episodes : report on a WHO meeting, ®s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, 30 October-2 November 1990 / 1992
Aging and Toxic Response: Issues Relevant to Risk Assessment. 2005
Air toxics and risk assessment / 1991
Air toxics risk assessment reference library / 2004
An SAB report : guidelines for cancer risk assessment, review of the Office of Research and Development's Draft Guidelines for Cancer Risk Assessment / 1997
An SAB report : review of the agency's draft ecological risk assessment guidelines / 1997
Anthrax : what every clinician should know / 2001
Anthrax : what every clinician should know. Part II / 2001
Asbestos health assessment update / 1984
Aspirin Use and Lung, Colon, and Breast Cancer Incidence in a Prospective Study. 1994
Biological basis for risk assessment of dioxins and related compounds / 1991
Biologically based methods for cancer risk assessment 1989
Biotechnology and the environment : research needs / 1986
Breasts : the owner's manual : every woman's guide to reducing cancer risk, making treatment choices, and optimizing outcomes / 2018
Cancer Dose-Response Models Incorporating Clonal Expansion. 1989
Cancer modeling and risk assessment / 1991
Cancer prevention : from the laboratory to the clinic : implications of genetic, molecular, and preventive research / 1995
Cancer rates and risks / 1996
Cancer risk communication : what we know and what we need to learn / 1999
Carcinogen risk assessment : new directions in the qualitative and quantitative aspects / 1988
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2008
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2002
Child-specific exposure factors handbook [and] Highlights of the child-specific exposure factors handbook. 2009
Choices in risk assessment : the role of science policy in the environmental risk management process / 1994
Clandestine drug labs : the problem, the danger, the futures / 1998
Clinical environmental health and toxic exposures 2001
Community-based ultraviolet radiation (UV) risk education : the SunWise Program handbook. 2002
Comparative carcinogenicity of ionizing radiation and chemicals : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1989
Comparative environmental risk assessment / 1993
Compartment Model Approaches for Estimating the Parameters of a Chronic Disease Process under Changing Risk Factor Exposures. 1986
Conference on Chemical Risk Assessment in the Department of Defence (DoD): Science, Policy, and Practice 1992
Current and past studies on household radon exposure and lung cancer / 1988
Development of quality criteria to evaluate nontherapeutic studies of incidence, prevalence, or risk factors of chronic diseases : pilot study of new checklists / 2011
Developmental toxicology : risk assessment and the future / 1990
Draft final guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment. 2003
Draft Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment (External Review Draft) 1995
Ecological risk assessment guidance for Superfund : process for designing and conducting ecological risk assessments. 1997
Ecological risk assessment issue papers. 1994
Economic Analysis for the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Pulp and Paper Production; Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Category-Phase 1. 1997
Efectos de la sobreexposición al sol sobre la salud. 2001
Effective risk communication : the role and responsibility of government and nongovernment organizations / 1989
Environmental change, climate, and health : issues and research methods / 2002
Environmental epidemiology and risk assessment 1993
Environmental hazards : communicating risks as a social process / 1988
Environmental risk : your guide to analyzing and reducing risk. 1991
EPA handbook for use of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) : a goldmine of data for environmental health analyses / 2003
EPA handbook for use of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES): a goldmine of data for environmental health analyses / 2003
Epigenetics in cancer prevention : early detection and risk assessment / 2003
Established and suspected risk factors for breast cancer : a case-control study in Vancouver, BC and Kingston, ON / 2011
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