Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Risk assessment Standards)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advice to EPA on advancing the science and application of ecological risk assessment in environmental decision making : a report of the U.S. EPA Science Advisory Board / 2007
Advisory on Agency draft white paper entitle "Modifying EPA Radiation Risk Models Based on BEIR VII" : 2008
Background information document : (integrated risk assessment) : final rules for radionuclides. 1984
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) review of EPA-OPPT's draft approach for estimating IQ change from lead renovation, repair, and painting (LRRP) activities and the OPPT Dust Study / 2007
Compendium of prior and current microbial risk assessment methods for use as a basis for the selection, development, and testing of a preliminary microbial risk assessment framework / {electronic resource} : 2007
Consultation on EPA's Risk and Technology Review (RTR) Assessment Plan 2007
Consultation on the Office of Research and Development's framework for computational toxicology, a Science Advisory notification of a consultation 2004
Environmental Protection Agency : use of precautionary assumptions in health risk assessments and benefits estimates : report to congressional requesters / 2000
Environmental site assessments for commercial real estate course notes. 2004
Estimating mortality risk reduction and economic benefits from controlling ozone air pollution / 2008
Estimating mortality risk reduction and economic benefits from controlling ozone air pollution / 2008
Exposure assessments : tools, techniques, and example applications / 1984
Food safety policy, science, and risk assessment : strengthening the connection : workshop proceedings / 2001
Integrating ecological assessment and decision-making at EPA: a path forward : results of a colloquium in response to Science Advisory Board and National Research Council recommendations / 2010
Meeting Summary: National Advisory Council on Environmental Policy and Technology (1st). Subcommittee on Radiation Cleanup Regulation. Held in Washington, DC. on October 18-19, 1993. 1994
Models in environmental regulatory decision making / 2007
Models in environmental regulatory decision making [electronic resource] / 2007
Ozone Health Risk Assessment for Selected Urban Areas. 2007
Passive smoke : the EPA's betrayal of science and policy / 1999
Reporting requirements for continuous releases of hazardous substances : a guide for facilities and vessels on compliance. 1990
Reporting requirements for continuous releases of hazardous substances : a guide for facilities on compliance. 1997
Reregistration eligibility document : biobor / 1993
Review of Office of Research and Development (ORD) draft assessment entitled, "Evaluation of the Carcinogenicity of Ethylene Oxide" : 2007
Risk-based corrective action applied at petroleum release sites course notes. 2002
Science Advisory Board (SAB review of the Estimation Programs Interface Suite (EPI Suite tm) / 2007
Science Advisory Board's Homeland Security Advisory Committee consultation on the EPA's Emergency Consequence Assessment Tool and Incident-based Microbial Risk Assessment Framework : a report of the U.S. EPA Science Advisory Board / 2007
Scientific review of the proposed risk assessment bulletin from the Office of Management and Budget 2007
Soil screening guidance : fact sheet / 1996
Standard provisional guide for risk-based corrective action. 1998
Standing operating procedures for developing acute exposure guideline levels for hazardous chemicals / 2001
Technical aspects of phase I/II environmental site assessments 1999
Toxicological risk assessment of chemicals : a practical guide / 2008

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