Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Risikomanagement)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acceptable evidence : science and values in risk management / 1991
Critical risk research : practices, politics, and ethics / 2012
Decision support systems for risk-based management of contaminated sites / 2009
Effective crisis communication : moving from crisis to opportunity / 2011
Effective risk management : some keys to success / 2000
Environmental hazards : communicating risks as a social process / 1988
Floods and landslides : integrated risk assessment / 1999
Of acceptable risk : science and the determination of safety / 1976
Resilient by design : creating businesses that adapt and flourish in a changing world / 2015
Risk communication and public health / 2010
Risk/benefit analysis / 1982
The role of geoscience information in reducing catastrophic loss using a web-based economics experiment / 2003
Understanding risk : informing decisions in a democratic society / 1996

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