Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Reverse osmosis desalination)

Select Item Title Year Published
Chula Vista, California, Pilot Plant Testing Program to Evaluate Seawater Pretreatment Methods for Reverse Osmosis. 1973
Demineralization of carbon-treated secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1978
Further Developments of Water Desalination Systems Based on Large Spiral-Wound Reverse Osmosis Membrane Elements. 1973
Integrating desalination and agricultural salinity control alternatives / 1978
Point-of-Use Treatment of Drinking Water in San Ysidro, NM. 1989
Removal of Toxic Metals from Water by Reverse Osmosis. 1973
Renovation of Municipal Wastewater by Reverse Osmosis. 1970
Research and Development of New Polymer Systems for Reverse Osmosis Membranes. 1968
Reverse Osmosis Renovation of Secondary Effluent. 1979
Wastewater demineralization by tubular reverse osmosis process / 1978
Water Reclamation by Reverse Osmosis. 1968
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, Pilot Plant Testing Program to Evaluate Sea Water Pretreatment Methods for Reverse Osmosis Plants. 1973

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