Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Complete wateReuse; industry's opportunity. 1973
Comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and selected management issues. 1982
Compte rendu, 13e Symposium international sur le traitement des eaux uses : les 14 et 15 novembre 1990, 2e Atelier sur l'eau potable, le 16 novembre 1990, Haotel Le Meridien, Montreal (Quebec) / 1990
Conceptual engineering report--Kingman Lake project. 1970
Conference on Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater through Forest and Cropland : prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : [papers] / 1974
Conservation and reclamation of water; proceedings of symposium. 1967
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and wildlife habitat : 17 case studies. 1993
Consultation on the aging water infrastructure research plan and program / 2009
Contaminants associated with direct and indirect reuse of municipal wastewater / 1978
Control of organic substances in water and wastewater 1983
Control of waste and water pollution from coal-fired power plants; R & D report. 1978
Control of waste and water pollution from power plant flue gas cleaning systems : first annual R and D report / 1976
Cost-effectiveness analysis of municipal wastewater reuse / 1975
Cost-effectiveness analysis of municipal wastewater reuse / 1975
Costs of Wastewater Renovation. 1971
Costs of wastewater treatment by land application / 1975
Costs of wastewater treatment by land application / 1976
CSM-Biothane U.A.S.B. process for anaerobic wastewater treatment 1983
Current Status of Denver's Potable Water Reuse Project. 1985
Cutting the Waste Stream in Half: Community Record Setters Show How. 1999
Dangerous pollutants (xenobiotics) in urban water cycle / 2008
Data Record for Public Attitudes toward Reuse of Reclaimed Water. 1972
Decision support system for selection of satellite vs. regional treatment for reuse systems / 2009
Demineralization of carbon-treated secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1978
Demonstrated technology and research needs for reuse of municipal wastewater / 1975
Demonstration of a closed loop reuse system in a fiberglas textile plant / 1980
Demonstration of a maximum recycle, sidestream softening system at a petrochemical plant and a petroleum refinery 1984
Demonstration of a maximum recycle, sidestream softening system at a petrochemical plant and a petroleum refinery / 1985
Demonstration of a non-aqueous sewage disposal system / 1973
Demonstration of Three Recirculating Swine Waste Management Systems. 1973
Demonstration of ultrafiltration and carbon adsorption for treatment of industrial laundering wastewater / 1978
Demonstration of waste flow reduction from households / 1974
Demonstration Project Abstracts, Solid Wastes Program. Supplement A. 0
Denver Regional Capital Improvement Program. Volume I. Text. 1975
Denver's direct potable water reuse demonstration project final report : executive summary : William C. Lauer Reuse Demonstration Plant. 1993
Description of slides to be used with the manual Operation and maintenance of wastewater collection systems / 1976
Design and Application of a Spray Rinsing System for Recycle of Process Waters. 1984
Design for water : rainwater harvesting, stormwater catchment, and alternate water reuse / 2007
Design guidelines for agricultural soil warming systems utilizing waste heat / 1976
Design manual : constructed wetlands and aquatic plant systems for municipal wastewater treatment / 1988
Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems to Satisfy Effluent Quality Requirements Based on Intended Use. 1971
Design seminar for land treatment of municipal wastewater effluents : an overview of four selected facilities applying municipal wastewater onto the land / 1975
Detailed Plans for the Reduction in Waste Load from a Dairy and Ice Cream Plant. 1987
Development and evaluation of novel dose-response models for use in microbial risk assessment {electronic resource} / 2008
Development and testing of a wastewater recycler and heater / 1976
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the aluminum forming point source category. 1982
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Aluminum Forming Point Source Category. Volume 1. 1984
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Aluminum Forming Point Source Category. Volume 2. 1984
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the paint formulating point source category. 1979
Development document for the porcelain enameling point source category. 1981
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