Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Retorting)

Select Item Title Year Published
A preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts from oil shale developments / 1977
Air Pollution Control Alternatives for Shale Oil Production Operations. 1988
Analysis of Oil Shale Wastes: A Review. 1981
Auto-Oxidation Potential of Raw and Retorted Oil Shale. 1984
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for mercury-containing wastes D009, K106, P065, P092, and U151 : final. 1990
Bibliography of aquatic ecosystem effects, analytical methods and treatment technologies for organic compounds in advanced fossil-fuel processing effluents / 1980
Chemical Characterization and Monitoring Studies of Effluents from Emerging Fossil Fuel Processes. 1976
Compendium reports on oil shale technology / 1979
Control of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Shale Retorting Using Spend Shale Absorption. 1986
Control of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Shale Retorting Using Spent Shale Absorption Pilot Plant Testing. 1987
Control of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Shale Retorting Using Spent Shale Absorption. 1986
Control of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Shale Retorts. 1982
Energy Development: The Environmental Tradeoffs. Volume 4: Background Papers. 1975
Environmental characterization of geokinetics' in-situ oil shale retorting technology / 1981
Environmental characterization of geokinetics' in-situ oil shale retorting technology : field and analytical data appendices / 1981
Environmental considerations for oil shale development / 1974
Environmental, operational, and economic aspects of thirteen selected energy technologies / 1980
EPA program status report, oil shale : 1979 update / 1979
EPA Program Status Report: Oil Shale 1980 Update. 1980
EPA Program Status Report: Oil Shale. 1978
Evaluation of Retorted Oil Shale as a Liner Material for Retorted Shale Disposal Sites. 1987
Final Response to BDAT Related Comments Document. K071 and K106: Mercury Cell Process Wastes K086: Residues from Ink Production Wastes Containing Cyanide. Volume 1-L. 1990
Ground Water--Mineralogy Relationship for 'In situ' Oil Shale Retorting. 1984
Leaching and Hydraulic Properties of Retorted Oil Shale Including Effects from Codisposal of Wastewater. 1986
Logan Wash Field Treatability Studies of Wastewaters from Oil Shale Retorting Processes. 1984
Lysimeter study on the disposal of Paraho retorted oil shale / 1979
Mercury mass distribution during laboratory and simulated in-situ oil shale retorting / 1984
Monitoring groundwater quality : the impact of in situ oil shale retorting / 1980
Oil shale air pollution control / 1975
Oil shale and the environment / 1977
Oil Shale R, D & D Program Management Plan, Draft 1979
Oil shale, potential environmental impacts and control technology / 1984
Oxides of nitrogen/ammonia control technology for oil shale retort emissions : Final report {MICROFICHE} / 1984
Pollution control technical manual for Lurgi oil shale retorting with open pit mining. 1983
Pollution control technical manual for modified in situ oil shale retorting combined with Lurgi surface retorting. 1983
Pollution control technical manual for TOSCO II oil shale retorting with underground mining. 1983
Pollution Control Technical Manual for Unishale B and Unishale C Oil Shale Retorting. 1986
Proposed treatment technology background document / 1989
Sampling and analysis research program at the Paraho shale oil demonstration plant / 1978
Technological overview reports for eight shale oil recovery processes / 1979
Trace Elements Associated with Oil Shale and Its Processing. 1977
Treatment technology background document / 1989
U.S. Mercury Recyclers Provide Expanded Process Capabilities. 1994
Vegetative stabilization of spent oil shales : vegetation, moisture, salinity, and runoff, 1973-1976 / 1978

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