Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Resumes Employment)

Select Item Title Year Published
171 reference book 1991
175 high-impact resumes 1999
Best resumes for scientists and engineers / 1993
Federal resume and KSA writing workshop for administrative business services. 2008
Federal resume guidebook 1995
Federal resume guidebook 1999
Federal resume guidebook : strategies for writing a winning federal electronic resume, KSAs, and essays / 2007
Federal resume guidebook : strategies for writing a winning Federal resume / 2011
Federal resume guidebook : write a winning federal resume to get in, get promoted, and survive in a government job / 2004
Federal resume writing workshop : managing your career with the best federal resume / 2010
Job resumes: how to write them, how to present them, preparing for interviews (includes a list of 100 questions most often asked by the interviewer) 1982
Job rsums : how to write them, how to present them, preparing for interviews / 1978
Marketing yourself the Catalyst women's guide to successful resumes and interviews / 1980
Resume handbook : how to write outstanding resumes and cover letters for every situation / 1996
Resume magic : trade secrets of a professional resume writer / 1999
Resumes that get jobs 1998
Resumes that get jobs : how to write your best resume 1976
Resumes that get jobs : how to write your best resume 1981
Resumes that get jobs : how to write your best resume. 0
Resumes, the nitty gritty 1983
Ten steps to a federal job : federal jobs, jobs, jobs - successful federal job search and federal resume writing strategies / 2011
Ten steps to a federal job : navigating the federal job system, writing federal resumes, KSAs and cover letters with a mission / 2002
The best rsums for scientists and engineers / 1988
The complete guide to writing a federal resume / 2014
The complete guide to writing a federal resume / 2004

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