Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 839
Showing: Items 801 - 839
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Restoration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Water quality, hydrology, and response to changes in phosphorus loading of Nagawicka Lake, a Calcareous Lake in Waukesha County, Wisconsin / 2006
Watershed Analysis and Management (WAM) Guide for States and Communities. EPA Watershed Analysis and Management Project. 2003
Watershed condition framework : a framework for assessing and tracking changes to watershed condition. 2011
Watershed modeling to assess the sensitivity of streamflow, nutrient, and sediment loads to potential climate change and urban development in 20 U.S. watersheds. 2012
Watershed Progress: Hot Creek Watershed Mimbres River Basin 1996
Watershed Progress: Massachusetts' Approach 1997
Watershed restoration : principles and practices / 1997
Watershed restoration program : accomplishment report 1997 / 1998
Watershed success stories : applying the principles and spirit of the Clean Water Action Plan. 2000
Watersheds : a practical handbook for healthy water / 1999
Wetland and riparian restoration : taking a broader view : contributed papers and selected abstracts, Society for Ecological Restoration International Conference, September 14-16, 1995, Seattle, Washington / 1997
Wetland creation and restoration : EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) research program and investigation of an extensive sampling approach to comparing created and natural wetlands. 1989
Wetland creation and restoration : the status of the science / 1990
Wetland creation and restoration : the status of the science / 1989
Wetland curriculum 5th-7th grades. 2005
Wetland drainage, restoration, and repair / 2007
Wetland planting guide for the northeastern United States plants for wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement / 1993
Wetland rehabilitation and creation in the pacific northwest / 1986
Wetland restoration and construction : a technical guide / 2011
Wetland restoration and enhancement in California : a proceedings of a workshop held in February 1982, at the California State University, Hayward / 1982
Wetland restoration, enhancement, or creation. 1992
Wetland restoration, flood pulsing, and disturbance dynamics / 1999
Wetlands : an approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1992
Wetlands : functioning, biodiversity conservation, and restoration / 2008
Wetlands : functioning, biodiversity conservation, and restoration / 2006
Wetlands and runoff. 1995
Wetlands and water quality trading : review of current science and economic practices with selected case studies / 2007
Wetlands protection. 1988
Wetlands stewardship : a call to action / 1999
Where land meets water : understanding wetlands of the Great Lakes. 2002
Who's Who in the Chesapeake Bay Program. 2002
Who's Who in the Chesapeake Bay Program. 2003
Who's Who in the Chesapeake Bay Program. 1996
Wildlife restoration : techniques for habitat analysis and animal monitoring / 2002
WoonyBird Restoration Plant Selector Manual. 2014
Working to save our coastal wetlands / 2000
Working with section 106 section 106, step-by-step. 1986
Workshop on Monitoring Oxidation-Reduction Processes for Ground-water Restoration : workshop summary, Dallas, Texas, April 25-27, 2000 / 2002
[Good Neighbor Environmental Board advice letter to the President on ecological restoration in to U.S.-Mexico border region] 2013
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