Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 5
Showing: Items 1 - 5
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Respiratory System pathology)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biologic markers in pulmonary toxicology 1989
Biologic markers in pulmonary toxicology / 1989
Biological interaction of inhaled mineral fibers and cigarette smoke : proceedings of an international symposium/workshop, held at the Battelle Seattle Conference Center, April 10-14, 1988, Seattle, Washington / 1989
Pulmonary Effects Due to Subchronic Exposure to Oil Fog. 1990
Toxicity of Finely Dispersed Metallic Nickel Dust When Inhaled Repeatedly (Toksichnost Melkodispersnoi Pyli Metallicheskogo Nikelya pri Mnogokratnykh Ingalyatsiyakh). 1961

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