Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Respiration Measurement)

Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of low levels of ozone and temperature stress / 1976
Evaluation of two-way valves for resting level respiratory testing 1977
Measurement of breathing rate and volume in routinely performed daily activities : final report, contract no. A033-205 / 1993
Measurements of exhaled breath using a new portable sampling method / 1990
Measurements of exhaled breath using a new portable sampling method / 1990
Noninvasive methods for measuring ventilation in mobile subjects. 1993
Photosynthesis and respiration rates in the Monticello experimental streams : 1976/77 diel field data and computed results / 1982
Photosynthesis and respiration rates in the Monticello experimental streams : 1976/77 diel field data and computed results / 1982

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