Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 451 - 500
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Resource conservation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Health effects assessment for mirex. 1987
Health effects assessment for N-nitrosodiphenylamine. 1987
Health effects assessment for n-pentane. 1987
Health effects assessment for nitrobenzene. 1987
Health effects assessment for nitrophenols. 1987
Health effects assessment for selected phthalic acid esters. 1987
Health effects assessment for tin and compounds. 1987
Health effects assessment for trihalogenated methanes. 1987
Health effects assessment for trimethylbenzenes. 1987
Health effects assessment for vanadium and compounds. 1987
Health effects assessment summary tables : FY-1997 update. 1997
Health effects manual of Appendix VII & Appendix VIII substances per 40 CFR part 261 subpart D / 1981
History of Galveston Bay resource utilization 1993
Horsehead Resource Development Company, Inc. flame reactor technology : applications analysis report / 1992
Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 261.4(b): Exclusions: Solid Wastes which are Not Hazardous Wastes : a User-Friendly Reference Document. 2009
Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste Under RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act), Subtitle C, Section 3001. 'Degree of Hazard' as an Approach to Defining and Managing Hazardous Wastes. 1980
Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste Under RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act), Subtitle C, Section 3001; Listing of Hazardous Waste; Finalization of July 16, 1980, Hazardous Waste List (40 CFR 261.31 and 261.32). 1981
Identification and listing of hazardous waste under RCRA [Resource Conservation and Recovery Act] subtitle C, section 3001 : EP toxicity characteristic [40 CFR 261.24]. 1980
Identification and listing of hazardous waste under RCRA, subtitle C, section 3001 : health and environmental effects profiles (40 CFR 261). 1980
Identification and listing of hazardous waste under RCRA, subtitle C, section 3001 corrosivity characteristic. 1980
Identification and listing of hazardous waste under RCRA, subtitle C, section 3001 criteria for indentifying characteristics of hazardous waste {40 CFR 261.10}; criteria for listing hazardous waste {CFR 261.11}; petitions to amend part 261 to exclude a waste produced at a particular facility {40 CFR 260.22} 1980
Identification and listing of hazardous waste under RCRA, subtitle C, section 3001 fate and transport of hazardous constituents {40 CFR 261} 1980
Identification and listing of hazardous waste under RCRA, Subtitle C, Section 3001 health and environmental effect profiles (40 CFR 261). [microform] : 1980
Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste Under RCRA, Subtitle C, Section 3001. Hazardous Waste from Discarding of Commercial Chemical Products and the Containers and Spill Residues Thereof (40 CFR 261.33). 1980
Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste Under RCRA, Subtitle C, Section 3001. Ignitability Characteristic (40 CFR 261.21). 1980
Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste Under RCRA, Subtitle C, Section 3001. Reactivity Characteristic (40 CFR 261.23). 1980
Immobilization technology seminar : speaker slide copies and supporting information. 1989
Impact of the Federal tax code on resource recovery : a condensation / 1977
Impact of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act on FBC Residue Disposal. 1981
Implementation of the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 as of December 1, 1979. 1979
Implementation strategy for The Galveston Bay plan. 1994
In situ biodegradation treatment. 1994
In situ flushing & soils washing technologies for Superfund sites / 1988
Incinerability Ranking Systems for RCRA Hazardous Constituents. 1990
Incineration of Solid Waste. 1989
Incomplete Oversight of State Hazardous Waste Rule Authorization Creates Regulatory Gaps and Human Health and Environmental Risks / 2018
Index of selected OSW correspondence / 1995
Index to the monthly hotline report questions : June 1982 to December 1994. 1995
Index to the monthly hotline reports questions : June 1982 to December 1991. 1992
Indian Lands Air Source Inventory. 1997
Indian River Lagoon Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. 1996
Indicators for Monitoring Biodiversity: A Hierarchical Approach. 1990
Industry guide to closure, post-closure, groundwater monitoring and financial requirements under RCRA / 1982
Information needs and resource costs of violation detection mechanisms and enforcement tools, task 3B : final report / 1978
Initiatives to promote innovative technology in waste management programs. 1996
Innovative Thermal Destruction Technologies (Chapter 7). 1991
Inside the hotline : a compilation of 1991 monthly hotline reports. 1992
Inside the hotline : a compilation of 1993 monthly hotline reports. 1994
Inside the hotline : a compilation of 1994 monthly hotline reports. 1995
Inside the hotline : a compilation of 1995 monthly hotline reports. 1996
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