Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
ADR accomplishments report. 2000
Aggregation Using Cluster Analyses for Models-3 CMAQ Applications. 1997
Alternative dispute resolution / 2000
Alternative dispute resolution : a practical guide for resolving government contract controversies / 2005
Alternative dispute resolution : employers' experiences with ADR in the workplace : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Civil Service, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives / 1997
Alternative dispute resolution and risk management controlling conflict and its costs / 1987
Alternative dispute resolution for organizations : how to design a system for effective conflict resolution / 1998
Alternative dispute resolution in a nutshell. 2008
Alternatives to litigation : mediation, arbitration, and the art of dispute resolution / 2002
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 1: Text. 1984
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 2: Appendices. 1984
Application of open-tubular columns to SW-846 GC methods 1990
Artificial intelligence : a modern approach / 2003
Biogenic Emission Estimates for 1995. 1996
Classification of High Spatial Resolution, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery of the Little Miami River Watershed in Southwest Ohio, USA. 2006
Climate Change Impact on Air Quality in California. Report to the California Air Resources Board. 2010
Collection and Interpretation of Level 1 IR and LRMS Data. 1980
Community mediation : a handbook for practitioners and researchers / 1991
Comparative Analysis of Dioxins and Furans in Ambient Air by High Resolution and Electron Capture Mass Spectrometry. 1992
Constructive engagement resource guide : practical advice for dialogue among facilities, workers, communities and regulators. 1999
Cutting edge : environmental dispute resolution for the nineties : symposium summary, Charlottesville, Virginia, March 13-15, 1992 / 1994
Description of the Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System. 1997
Design of Climate Scenarios with Application to Agriculture and Forestry in Central and Eastern North America. 1996
Development of Laser Instrumentation for Particle Measurement. 1971
Digest of assistance disputes decisions. 1987
Dispute resolution : a handbook for land use planners and resource managers : prepared for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development / 1990
Dispute resolution ethics : a comprehensive guide / 2002
Dispute resolution journal : of the American Arbitration Association. 1993
Enforcement mediation : status report on the use of alternative dispute resolution in Environmental Protection Agency enforcement actions / 1993
Enforcement negotiation skills / 1993
Enhanced Wet Deposition Estimates for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Using Modeled Precipitation Inputs. Monitoring and Non-Tidal Assessment. 2000
Federal administrative dispute resolution deskbook / 2001
Federal dispute resolution : using ADR with the United States Government / 2004
Federal district court rules regarding the use of alternative dispute resolution / 1993
Federal Register Volume 56, Number 26 Thursday, February 7, 1991, Part 3: Proposed Rules. 1991
Final Guidance on Improving Communication to Achive Collaborative Decision-Making at Department of Energy Sites. 1997
FT-IR Open-Path Monitoring Guidance Document. 1996
Getting to resolution : turning conflict into collaboration / 1998
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 2011
GIS-Based Risk Assessment of Pesticide Drift Case Study: Fresno, County, California. 2005
Global crises, global solutions / 2004
Guidance on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Enforcement Actions. 1990
Guidance on the use of alternative dispute resolution for litigation in the federal courts 1992
Guidance on Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution for Litigation in Federal Courts. 1992
Guide to judicial management of cases in ADR / 2002
High Resolution 7-16 Micron Infrared Spectrometry. 1971
High resolution spectroscopy 1998
High Time-Resolved Comparisons for In-Depth Probing of CMAQ Fine-Particles and Gas Predictions. 2004
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Nitrophenols with a Swept-Potential Electrochemical Detector. 1984
High-Resolution Dataset of Urban Canopy Parameters for Houston, Texas. 2004
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