Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Reservoirs Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
A predictive model for thermal stratification and water quality in reservoirs 1971
A predictive model for thermal stratification and water quality in reservoirs / 1971
Development of an Environmental Data Base for Rivers, Lakes, and Reservoirs. 1988
Early warning and management of surface water taste-and-odor events 2006
Evaluation of mathematical models for temperature prediction in deep reservoirs / 1975
Hydrological Adaptations of Petroleum Reservoir Simulation Techniques. 1971
Impact of Broadly Applied Effluent Phosphorus Standards on Eutrophication Control. 1978
Initial Results from the Upper Wabash Simulation Model. 1973
Management of water quality in reservoirs / 1980
Mathematical models for the prediction of thermal energy changes in impoundments / 1969
Mathematical models for the prediction of thermal energy changes in impoundments : computer application supplement. 1969
Operating Policies for the Upper Wabash Surface Water System. 1972
Origins, behavior, and modeling of THM precursors in lakes and reservoirs 2005
Persistence modeling for the Potomac and adjacent rivers 1977
Probabilistic Models in the Design and Operation of a Multi-Purpose Reservoir System. 1973
Program documentation on Reservoir Operating and Quality Routing Program : RESOP-I / 1971
Radius of pressure influence of injection wells / 1979
Reservoir-system model for the Willamette River Basin, Oregon 1976
Selection of streamflow and reservoir-release models for river-quality assessment 1976
Selective withdrawal from a stratified reservoir / 1970
Temperature prediction in stratified water : mathematical model-user's manual (supplement to report 16130DJH01/71) / 1971
Temperature prediction in stratified water : mathematical model-user's manual (supplement to report 16130DJH01/71). 1971
Use of new analytical methods in water resource development / 1970
Use of new analytical methods in water resource development. 1900

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