Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Remote sensing)

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Select Item Title Year Published
11th Symposium on Global Change Studies : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California ; Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Monitoring : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California / 2000
15-meter LANDSAT analyses of the Mississippi River : map series from headwaters to the gulf of Mexico / 2003
A cryogenic preconcentration : direct FID (PDFID) method for measurement of NMOC in ambient air / 1986
A farmer's guide to remote sensing in Midwestern agriculture. 2003
A feasibility demonstration of an aerial surveillance spill prevention system / 1972
A Field comparison of in situ meteorological sensors / 1985
A field light quality laboratory--initial experiment : the measurement of percent of functioning vegetation in grassland areas by remote sensing methodology / 1971
A Landscape assessment of the Catskill/Delaware watersheds 1975-1998 : New York City's water supply watersheds / 2002
A lidar polarimeter technique of measuring suspended solids in water / 1981
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
A New Target Detector Based on Geometrical Perturbation Filters for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (POL-SAR) [electronic resource] / 2012
A qualitative appraisal of the hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat images / 1984
A remote sensing technique to monitor Cladophora in the Great Lakes / 1980
A Review of methods for remote sensing of atmospheric emissions from stationary sources / 1988
A Review of methods for remote sensing of atmospheric emissions from stationary sources / 1988
A statistical method for determination of chlorophyll concentration from the remotely sensed ocean surface albedo / 1973
A study of the dispersal of suspended sediment from the Fraser and Skagit River into northern Puget Sound using LANDSAT imagery / 1979
A study to characterize performance statistics of various ground-based remote sensors / 1999
Accuracy assessment of 1992 Landstat-MSS derived land cover for the Upper San Pedro watershed (U.S./Mexico) {microform} / 2002
Accuracy Assessment of 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S./Mexico). 2000
Accuracy of remotely sensed SO2 mass emission rates / 1979
Achieving and sustaining earth observations : a preliminary plan based on a strategic assessment by the U.S. Group on Earth Observations. 2010
AcidMODES: a major field study to evaluate regional scale air pollution models. 1992
Advanced Applications in Remote Sensing of Agricultural Crops and Natural Vegetation / 2018
Advanced environmental monitoring with remote sensing time series data and R / 2020
Advanced remote sensing technology for tsunami modelling and forecasting / 2018
Advanced remote sensing terrestrial information extraction and applications / [electronic resource] : 2012
Advanced technology for monitoring and processing global environmental data : proceedings of the International Conference of the Remote Sensing Society and the Center for Earth Resources Management held in the University of London, 9-12th September 1985 / 1985
Advances and Trends in Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics : Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Professional Conference on Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics (GCG 2017), October 10-13, 2017, Demanovska Dolina, Low Tatras, Slovakia / 2018
Advances in Earth Observation of Global Change [electronic resource] / 2010
Advances in Land Remote Sensing System, Modeling, Inversion and Application / [electronic resource] : 2008
Advances in passive microwave remote sensing of oceans / 2017
Advances in SAR Remote Sensing of Oceans / 2018
Advances in Sensing with Security Applications [electronic resource] / 2006
Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis Select Papers from the 16th IGU Spatial Data Handling Symposium / [electronic resource] : 2015
Advances in Spatial Data Handling and GIS 14th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling / [electronic resource] : 2012
Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment [electronic resource] / 2015
Aerial infrared survey of portions of the Monongahela, Ohio, and Allegheny Rivers; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania vicinity 1973
Aerial Photographic Tracing of Pulp Mill Effluent in Marine Waters. 1970
Aerial photography and ground verification at power plant sites : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1985
Aerial Photography and Legal Applications. The Annual Environmental Sciences (4th): A Primer for the Technically Challenged. 1995
Aerial photography and remote sensing for soil survey 1977
Aerial radiological survey of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and surrounding area, Livermore, California 1990
Aerial reconnaissance of hazardous substances spills and spill-threat conditions / 1979
Aerial remote sensing : a bibliography / 1973
Aerial Remote Sensing, A Bibliography. 1973
Aerial spill prevention surveillance during sub-optimum weather / 1973
Aerial Surveillance Spill Prevention System. 1972
Aerosol Remote Sensing [electronic resource] / 2013
Aerospace Robotics II [electronic resource] / 2015
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